Dawit Kelete, 30, pleads guilty to multiple charges after hitting two protesters, one fatally, during 2020 protest in Seattle

  • athos77
    7411 months ago

    Just a reminder that less than a week before Trump took office, Fox posted a compilation video of cars running into protestors. Set to Ludacris’ Move, Bitch, Get Out da Way, they encouraged people to “Study the technique; it may prove useful in the next four years.” They only removed the article from their website seven months later, after Heather Heyer was murdered in Charlottesville.

    The GOP repeatedly and continually practices stochastic terrorism, riling up their base and giving them targets to take their anger out on.

      • @Saneless
        211 months ago

        That’s their secret: they’re always afraid of everything

      • Tb0n3
        111 months ago

        Not that different from shooting somebody if you are afraid for your life. A deadly weapon is a deadly weapon. It doesn’t stop people like Darryl Brooks from being total psychopaths and getting convicted.

        • keeb420
          311 months ago

          it does give a green light for people to claim to be afraid when theres was nothing to be afraid of. “oh no people exercising their first amendment rights. im so afraid.” vroom vroom

    • PenguinJuice
      611 months ago

      Did we used to have morals and values or is society truly going down the shitter?

      • fkn
        2711 months ago

        The right wing part of the united states has always been a shitfest. In the 60s they lynched black people because they wanted equal treatment. In the 30s they killed women when they got the right to vote. Before then they rebelled against the US and killed millions of Americans to try to keep slavery. Before then they burned women as witches… Basically they have been garbage humans forever.

      • @[email protected]
        1411 months ago

        We’ve always had garbage people but the problem is unfettered capitalism literally rewards narcissistic sociopathic behavior and we for some reason decided to make that the dominant system. Which means the worst amongst us have the most power and resources and help set the tone. Those people then attract the terribly misguided like Lee Atwater (US example) and religious zealots (evangelicals in the US) who propagate the message that self-interest is all that matters.

        For the record I’m not anti-capitalist, but we did let the whole idea get out of control from the very beginning and I think it has a lot to do with the decline. Not to mention the coming death of hundreds of millions due to climate change.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        It went down the shitter when white people started helping & defending other racial groups, and the racist whites, feeling backed into a corner, lashed out in all directions at the same time.

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        He drove his car the wrong way on the freeway to hit the girls. You can argue about the label terrorist, but he’s certianly a murderer .

        On 4 July 2020, the Washington state patrol said Kelete drove the wrong way on to Interstate 5 in Seattle, around a barricade of parked vehicles, and struck both Taylor and Diaz Love.

        • SeaJ
          011 months ago

          Dawit Kelete’s a massive piece of shit but almost certainly not a terrorist. He most likely knew the interstate would be blocked off at night (it had been nightly for a week or two) and took the opportunity to go hot rodding in his car. He definitely knew he illegally went up an off ramp since he has lived here in Seattle for a couple decades. Terrorism implies he did it for political purposes. There is occasional beef between East African immigrants and the black community here but there is no evidence of that here and he has no history of that. He also does not have a history of harassing the LGBTQ community which Summer was a part of.

          What is also certain is that he did not accidentally go up an offramp like shit heads on the right have suggested. He has lived in this city for over 20 years. That is not some unknown offramp he would be unfamiliar with. He knew what he was doing was illegal and it got someone killed.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            Yeah, seems like all the articles written about the incident report on vehicular manslaughter, vehicular assult and wreckless driving.

            Kelete’s attorney claims as much, “This tragic event was not a political act or statement," said attorney Francisco A. Duarte, who is representing Kelete


            That said, it seems like you have a bit of community knowledge.

        • @[email protected]
          -211 months ago

          Murderer, and mentally ill. Which is almost always the case with these kinds of things. I think we as humans try to look for a single cause of problems and it’s always a mix of things