Aliceblue, lightsteelblue, goldenrod, fuschia, darkslategrey, chartreuse, and olivedrab.
Make your life more confusingly colorful as you tell your coworker to look for a chartreuse div and they ask you if that’s a color or a liquor - debate with your coworker whether they should have noticed the darkslategrey div in front of your default #365656 background.
Aliceblue, lightsteelblue, goldenrod, fuschia, darkslategrey, chartreuse, and olivedrab.
Make your life more confusingly colorful as you tell your coworker to look for a chartreuse div and they ask you if that’s a color or a liquor - debate with your coworker whether they should have noticed the darkslategrey div in front of your default #365656 background.
Think of all the adventures you’ll have!