• southsamurai
    6 months ago

    Man, when I find something I really like, I get multiples and stash them. Depending on exactly what it is, and the price, I might end up with a dozen or more of an identical item.

    Like, right now, I’m wearing jeans that I have ten pairs of because they’re comfortable as fuck, and there’s rally only three brands that don’t change styles over decades. If it ain’t levis, Wrangler, or lee, you might end up not being able to get the same thing a year or two later, much less decades down the road.

    Back when fubu was still worth a damn, I bought something like five pairs of my favorite design. And I’m still pissed I can’t replace them as they’re wearing out.

    But t shirts? It’s trivial to find something similar enough, but it never hurts to stock up on a particular color just because dye batches change.

    I can’t do it like I could when I was still working (where I could actually get five pairs of what were expensive jeans all at once), but if you spread things out, you can usually build up a nice stockpile of a given brand and design in a few months.