• @[email protected]
    1624 days ago

    By “lived in a bush and hunted for his meals” he is referring to that one Sunday morning the owner forgot to fill his food bowl.

  • linuxgator
    1424 days ago

    My wife and I fostered a semi-feral pregnant cat once. After her kittens were old enough for adoption, we kept the mother cat. She didn’t really get along with our other cats though. So while we were on vacation and one of our neighbors was pet-sitting, she snuck out the door and disappeared. My wife decided we should cut our vacation short to go home and try to find her. After we got back, and a couple hours of searching, we figured she was just gone. Wife was distraught, but finally managed to fall asleep. At about 2 am, I hear this terrified meowing coming from outside. Figured out that it was our missing cat and she was hiding under our car. Convinced her to come back into the house using cat treats as bait. Took the cat into our bedroom and woke up the wife to show her the cat was back. To this day, the cat won’t leave our room unless under extreme duress (i.e. someone vacuuming). I think she realized that night just how good she has it as an indoor cat.

  • Fubarberry
    1124 days ago

    Who domesticated who

    Cats are only considered partially domesticated, and they basically domesticated themselves. They naturally decided to live near human settlements to prey on mice/etc that went after people’s grain.

    In comparison, dogs are conaidered fully domesticated, and we’re domesticated by humans.

    • @can
      124 days ago

      Why oh why wasn’t I born a cat?

  • Norgur
    124 days ago

    What the cat says: You. Stinky human. You will take me with you to your house. You will feed me and you will obey. If you are a good servant, I may be inclined to allow one touch on my belly. If you dare to linger on my belly, though, I will smite you with the wrath of itchy scratches!
    What the human heras: Meeoow.
    Human: Aww, Little guy, come with me!

    We’re but silly slaves.