“We must pass the Ohio Anti-Corruption Act, which would require dark money groups to identify their funders, disclose their spending, and strengthen the ban on foreign money,” Walters said in a statement.

“Meanwhile, Republican politicians who hold supermajorities in both chambers at the statehouse must put politics aside and pass a clean bill to put Joe Biden on the ballot,” she continued. “Despite Republicans’ political gamesmanship, we’re confident Joe Biden will be on the Ohio ballot.”

  • @vulgarcynic
    823 days ago

    How brave of them to put the standing president on the ballot for re-election. Bless their hearts.

    • @pelespiritOPM
      423 days ago

      I think they keep changing the dates which made the “mistake,” but I don’t completely understand from the article, It was a way to fuck with the election from my understanding.

  • @JulesTheModest
    423 days ago

    This has to do with the DNC convention occurring after a deadline in Ohio stating who will be on the ballot. This happened in 2020 for the other parry and was resolved quickly.