In which the brutality of being child soldiers is explicitly spelled out to dispel any doubt that these kids are not irrevocably traumatized when
Marco reveals he had a plan to kill tom the whole time in a way nobody would suspect the animorphs of doing it. And obviously in the last book a bunch of them tried to kill Marco’s mom, so their moral compasses are pretty much destroyed by having to constantly kill things and make awful no-win decisions result in them hurting people, themselves were being tortured. Oh right, they torture Chapman in this book also.
I like this book because they really let you know that things are not going to be okay and these kids are not going to pull up out of the trauma that’s going to shape the rest of their lives. This war has already ruined their morality and ethics and general social interdependency, and things are not going to get better.
This is kind of the book where you know things are not going to get better or get wrapped up neatly, no matter what happens.