The plaintiffs had not sought to repeal the ban, but rather to force clarification and transparency as to the precise circumstances in which exceptions are allowed. They also wanted doctors to be allowed more discretion to intervene when medical complications arise in pregnancy.

The lead plaintiff, Amanda Zurawski, said she was outraged by Friday’s ruling on behalf of all the plaintiffs who, she said, “the Court deemed not sick enough.”

  • @pelespiritOPM
    43 months ago

    Everyone, get the fuck out of Texas as soon as you can. Half the population is getting treated like shit just for this issue. More than half if you count the POC of any gender or LGBTQ+.

    • @starman2112
      43 months ago

      The problem with telling people to leave awful states is that it makes the place worse for everyone who can’t leave. Stay, protest, and vote if you can do so safely.

      • @pelespiritOPM
        13 months ago

        Maybe, leave and take someone with you? I kind of feel like Texas is like a cult, you have to get out before you can help anyone else get out.

        • @starman2112
          3 months ago

          I feel like taking my conservative neighbor’s gay kid with me to Oregon might not be the most productive way to improve my community. It’s kind of the opposite of a cult, in that people outside the system cannot do anything to help people inside it

          • @pelespiritOPM
            13 months ago

            Living in fear or high stress is definitely bad for your health at the least, moving to certain parts of Oregon would be a great option. You’re right though, taking someone’s gay child could cause a lot of issues. There are a lot of scenarios in those 3 words of “neighbor’s gay kid” too. But taking care of one’s self is the best option and then taking care of as many people as you can is the second option.

            Here is a scenario, a young couple are excited about having kids but the husband’s wife gets very sick towards the end of her pregnancy and she is about to die. Texas will let her die regardless of her baby’s health. Do you think the young husband wants to watch his wife die? I’m pretty sure the wife doesn’t want to die either.

            Get. the. fuck. out. of. there.

            • @starman2112
              23 months ago

              Again, with regard to moving out of state, you cannot help yourself and help other people. You have to weigh the risk of continuing to live in the state with the risk posed to others if you leave. Personally I’m willing to risk some conceptual potential harm to myself if it means helping to prevent very real, tangible harm to others. If I leave, that potential harm is gone, but there’s one less person holding the presently real harm back.