Newsmax host Carl Higbie went on a tirade on Friday after former President Donald Trump was convicted by a Manhattan jury the day before.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee was found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records to conceal hush money payments to cover up extramarital affairs. Trump was concerned the affairs would come to light and harm his presidential aspirations. The Republican freakout has been swift if not predictable. Despite their outrage and indignation, some conservatives insist that being a convicted felon will help Trump’s chances of returning to the White House in November’s election.

During Friday’s edition of Frontline on Newsmax, Higbie demanded congressional Republicans drop everything and go after those involved in Trump’s prosecution.

  • Ghostalmedia
    15927 days ago

    I’d like to remind that News Max host that the city that convicted Donald Trump murders 400 people each year with guns.

    Blue cities ain’t trying to pass gun regulations because they’re afraid of the idea of guns. They’re trying to pass gun laws because they have a fuck ton of guns.

    Those aren’t fireworks we hear every night.

    • @[email protected]
      5027 days ago

      Conservatives underestimate how much firepower the left has - they just don’t advertise it like it’s their personality. Even strongholds like Texas actually have less guns per household than the national average.

      • CH3DD4R_G0B-L1N
        3627 days ago

        There is a difference between owning guns and being an ammosexual. Let them continue not understanding that. Fine by me.

      • @[email protected]
        627 days ago

        I think the chodes that own like 20+ pew pews are all far right. But you can’t use 20 at a time, so I guess that won’t help much. I’d put hard money on odds of much more citizens who’ve actually shot someone before as being non-republicans.

        • Riskable
          125 days ago

          The truth is that Republicans shoot Republicans. Just ask Dick Cheney.

      • @[email protected]
        527 days ago

        What I find funny is that they act like a bunch of hicks with guns is going to charge a tank or have a prayers chance against a predator drone. The party of serving your country and small government always seems to forget the military is part of the government.

    • @[email protected]
      11027 days ago

      And so what if Cletus has a hundred guns. He’s only got 2 hands and early onset diabetes. I like my chances.

    • @winterayars
      2127 days ago

      I mean they may own five hundred guns each but i feel like only the first couple of them actually matter. The rest are just for masturbation purposes.

      • @[email protected]
        827 days ago

        Honestly you wouldn’t even need that. Just turn off the internet for a few hours and they’d all just disappear.

    • @[email protected]
      727 days ago

      They think they own most of the guns because they’ve built a whole culture around it. What they don’t realize is there are plenty of non-Rs who own guns too as a hobby or protection, but their whole identity isn’t “I’m a gun owner” so they don’t go around hoopin’ and hollarin’ that they own guns.

  • @[email protected]
    8127 days ago

    Get in there and subpoena everyone. This judge, his daughter, everyone affiliated with anything ever, ever! I don’t care if we stop building bridges and highways and stop funding our government. You fight fire with fire. Otherwise, these Marxists are going to keep doing this.

    You’re advocating against the rule of law and making threatening remarks towards millions of Americans. Like a terrorist. That’s what a terrorist does. Promote violence without technically saying you promote violence why don’t you.

    You have never met America.

    Have you? You wish harm on your country and her people. For god sakes your lord and savior man didn’t even win the popular vote when he was actually elected. What the hell are you smoking?

    “And when he does, I’m gonna sit back, I’m gonna drink a beer, I’m gonna smoke a cigar the size of Cuba and laugh because they earned this one,” he stated.

    Check where you’re buying your cigs mate.

  • @[email protected]
    6027 days ago

    That’s cute. I know lots of democrats who love their guns just as much. The difference is we know when to use them and how to properly store them so our kids don’t get mad at their classmates and you know, make mistakes that cost themselves and their classmates the rest of their lives


    Stay mad and ignorant tho. It’s easier on the rest of us to deal with you when you’re blinded by rage and have had the only solid footing you have on this world knocked out beneath you.

  • @[email protected]
    5927 days ago

    Even if they do have 90% of the guns, they still only own about 30% of the trigger fingers. A guy with a garage full of guns can only shoot one at a time.

    • @[email protected]
      27 days ago

      I was gonna say 2 guns, but how would they hold their beer?

      Do the have a designated anti gun person to hold the beers?

      Then who will they shoot at? Can’t waste the beer by shooting the beer holder!

      • Billiam
        1727 days ago

        I was gonna say 2 guns, but how would they hold their beer?

      • @[email protected]
        1327 days ago

        Shooting two guns at once is something that only happens in movies, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see one of these Very Special Forces guys on the right try to do it because he thinks it looks cool. I’d rather face him than someone who’s properly handling only one gun.

        • @[email protected]
          727 days ago

          This exactly. Guns have way more of a kick than people think and way less ammo. Too many people believe what they see in action movies. The gun range I go to you always hear about someone who wanted to live out something the saw in a movie… Only to end up shooting the ceiling, missing the target, and finding it the mag doesn’t last minutes (for guns with an auto setting).

    • ArxCyberwolf
      1027 days ago

      Having that many weapons also makes you a target. Whether that be as a threat or for theft of said valuable weapons, it defeats the purpose of having so many. It’s like open carrying. All it does is make you a priority target if a shooting does happen.

    • @[email protected]
      527 days ago

      Also there’s a reason that revolutions tend to wind up with apolitical bureaucrat types in charge. The people who believe in something enough to fight and die for it do so.

  • @[email protected]
    5527 days ago

    Newsmax: Don’t go into the cities! They’re warzones and you’ll get shot…

    Also Newsmax: We have all the guns too!

    These people are so detached from reality.

  • @[email protected]
    27 days ago

    We have all the guns! We’re on the edge!

    Liberals are trying to bait us into violence.


  • @[email protected]
    4427 days ago

    Let’s take a step back from that provocation and look at the bigger picture.

    • This is intended to create division and make money (like Frank Reynolds would).
    • Neighbours shooting neighbours or rural folks shooting city people (or the other way around), that won’t lead to any takeover or to any surrendering of power on a larger scale.
    • That’s just terrorism and could (at most) cause chaos and terror.
    • If there actually was domestic violence on a larger scale, it would come down to: who controls the military or which part of the military is on which side.
    • I would avoid meaningless skirmishes e.g. in a suburb of Seattle.

    I’m not saying succumb to bullies, but whatever you do, be smart about it.

    • @[email protected]
      227 days ago


      It’s their fantasy that they’ll go into the ‘city’ to take it over. Let them. Downtown is mostly social services in major cities, maybe some healthcare or a large teaching hospital. They’ll quickly realize that pointing guns at homeless people isn’t very productive.

      The vast majority of people live in suburbs, don’t care about politics, don’t follow the news.

      Revenge fantasies are always stupid. Modern cities are vast tracks of cookie-cutter suburban housing.

  • Marighost
    3526 days ago

    If they don’t like it, they can just leave. That’s what they’ve been saying for decades, right?

    • @[email protected]
      226 days ago

      That only applies to POC, non-xtians, liberals, people smarter than the average winger, uppity women, gayz that are not in the closet, etc…

  • @[email protected]
    3427 days ago

    Does he even know who the hell we are? I’m a new Yorker and I’ve seen through Trump’s facade for decades. Why are people so devoted to this conman?

    • @[email protected]
      927 days ago

      Those people are devoted to the letter R. Trump is living proof that you can actively try to be the most vile person alive and still get republican support.

    • @Quacksalber
      26 days ago

      Shows that there are enough people so desparate to be lead, that they’ll follow anyone, as long as they are confident and unapologetic. And then there are the grifters that’ll do anything for clout and money. Trump supporters have shown themselves to be naive and easily manipilated, so those grifters flock to pander to them.

  • Adderbox76
    3227 days ago

    I hate that idiotic narrative they keep pushing.

    You’ve got 90% of the guns? Correction…you have 90% of the civilian guns. The military, who work for the legal government have far more than you do, as well as drones, bombs and tanks. So fuck off with your “We have 90% of the guns” bullshit.

    • Patapon Enjoyer
      2527 days ago

      Never underestimate a military’s capacity to support fascism.

      Signed, the entirely of Latin America, whose military dictatorships the US funded.

      • @[email protected]
        327 days ago

        Well, with my limited amount of grey matter, I was able to read a few accounts of WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam and I don’t ever want to experience war or sit here while other people have to. The idea is abhorrent. I mean if you have at least as much grey matter as this fucking idiot…

  • @[email protected]
    2927 days ago

    Minority groups are among the fastest growing groups of overall gun owners, for reasons outlined here.

    • @[email protected]
      1627 days ago

      Republicans only rank so high for gun ownership because of the dozens of people that have an armories worth. Left -wing and marginalized people will have one or two guns that are effective, not a stockpile of tacticool attachments and WW2 rifles.

      • AutistoMephisto
        827 days ago

        Exactly. Some are so obsessed with owning guns that they buy more guns than they will ever shoot. And forget the possibility of ever lending them out to their friends, they’re the party of “got mine, fuck you”. Though, lately they’ve been more the party of “Got mine, but it’s not enough, give me yours. Also fuck you.”

      • @vaultdweller013
        326 days ago

        How dont dis WW2 rifles, any firearm is deadly. Sure they may not be as effective in certain fields but a 1911 and a M1 Garand are just as deadly now as they were in the 1940s.

      • @[email protected]
        227 days ago

        Yeah, the R’s are the ammosexuals. They’re so afraid that libruls will take their guns away that they stockpile them. I know a couple Dems who collect guns as a hobby, but I think most of us who own have just one or two for the purpose of self/home defense.

  • @[email protected]
    2726 days ago

    Sup, dork - liberal with a bunch of guns here. I’ve been training since Duck Hunt and can shoot the cap off a trans label Budweiser from 100 yards with a .22.

    Don’t make the mistake of thinking Trumpers have a monopoly on gun powder.
