My childhood was ruined by God, like my parents intended.
I feel you on that
I thought God intended childhoods to be ruined by sadistic nuns and horny priests.
Maybe their parents were a sadistic nun and a horny priest 🤷
How does that work with the whole celibacy thing?
It doesn’t, really, but hypocrisy is generally a feature of religion rather than a bug so 🤷
Eh, I think it’s a more generalized statement on the human condition:
Rules for thee but not for me.
That’s just another way to say hypocrisy, though 😄
Yup, but religion doesn’t get to monopolize hypocrisy.
True. Just like people other than Michael Jordan and LeBron James are allowed to play basketball 😉
Eastern rite Catholic priests can’t get married, but they can be married…
There’s always the option of bullies as well
Jokes on you, my mom was the worst bully I had, and I had enough to fill two classrooms. Back when 20 kids per room was normal…
Isn’t 20 kids per classroom still pretty normal? My kids’ school has 20-25 w/ two teachers per room.
You’re rich or live in a rich area
Idk, I think our area is pretty average. My kids go to a charter school 100% funded by taxes (enrollment by lottery), so I guess there’s a little more money to go toward teachers instead of grounds and buses. But even the local public schools have ~25 students per class.
That said, I am in the US, which is a rich country, but we lag a lot of countries in education spending, and my state is on the lower end of the spectrum of spending per student. I think we just pay our teachers less than other areas.
Your first bullies are family members.
My parents were amazing and very supportive.
I am happy for you
Congrats on your trauma I guess.
My parents are okay, I posted it bc I found it funny and I can imagine what it must have been like for someone else who had that experience :)
I’m not sure why you’re being down voted. I also congratulate OP! Getting through that shit and coming out better on the other side can be a real bitch.
The reboots don’t ruin anything about me, they barely even ruin their source material, they just usually end up being bad and not worth watching.
Look, if y’all can’t come up with an original idea for your movie or series, just turn to creator owned comics for your source! 90% of it is laid out for you, just follow along and figure out some cool ways to depict the panels and the correct medium for your adaptation. See: Invincible.
Is this something people say?
Probably not. Kids don’t hate reboots and remakes because they were probably too young to see the originals. Old people are the ones hating.
Kids don’t actively hate shows, they just won’t watch things they don’t like. Adults will not watch a show, then summarize a 2 hour podcast explaining why no one else is supposed to like it.
This one made me laugh out loud