• @[email protected]
    29 days ago

    Just a picture of a headline? No article, link, or source? Let me guess the article doesn’t say what the headline says.

    Edit read the article. The source material is real, but it is clearly an opinion piece that is not being disclosed as one.

    All it really say is that people under 30 feel that the government is at best is ignoring their needs or at worst actively subverting their needs. This reads like some just who just found out what NWA lyrics were.

    Oh the author is the DC bureau chief for The Nation. Not sure the exact relevance of that, but it seem important to know.

      • pewter
        1129 days ago

        I don’t think they used any ad hominem. They were complaining about there not being a source. Reasonable

        They were skeptical about the real source. Reasonable.

        It’s good to limit your exposure to lies online. I do it by looking for sources.

        • @[email protected]
          529 days ago

          I didn’t, person doesn’t know what ad hominem means. Especially when they called me pedantic. I guess it is okay for them to do…

      • @[email protected]
        129 days ago

        Convinced of what exactly? Convinced that there was a poll? Convinced of the results of the poll? Or convinced that article the OP posted is anything other then a option piece?

        Weirdly I never thought this was “foreign pysops” as you put it. Now I can’t say the same about you. Lemme.mil is full of tankies, who love to criticize the western world. As they deny Tiananmen Square or Soviet gulags.

        By the way I don’t think ad hominem means what you think it means. Though I don’t think you will ever be convinced of that.

        I don’t care who is writing the article, were it was published, or what it says. Being able to think critically about the content is the important thing. Not what someone says my opinion should be. They only way to avoid group think is to be able to look objectively at something.

        This was clearly an option peice being passed as news. Are you ever going to be convinced of that?

  • @[email protected]
    1729 days ago

    OK, what’s the authoritarian connection? Yep democrats aren’t great. They can be corrupt. They won’t close their own insider trading loophole. Some states with effectively no Republicans have single party corruption.

    How is this authoritarianism?

    • @the_crotch
      1229 days ago

      Nearly all of the really bad, authoritarian legislation of the last 30 years, patriot act, sopa, kopa, etc, were bipartisan

      • @[email protected]
        629 days ago

        Because when authoritarian legislation isn’t bipartisan it’s the Republicans trying to pass it and the Democrats stopping them.

        • @the_crotch
          429 days ago

          So they’re both authoritarian and disagree on the implementation

          • @[email protected]
            329 days ago

            All government is authoritarian to some degree by definition. Cut the both sides shit. You’re comparing a paper cut to a bullet wound.

            • @the_crotch
              529 days ago

              I’m comparing an authoritarian center right party to an authoritarian far right party. It’s not shit, it’s accurate, and hand waving horrible laws like the patriot act with “all countries are authoritarian to some degree” is how you end up with more legislation just like it. The Democrats aren’t going to save you. They’re just going to take the back roads on the way to fuck you.

              • @[email protected]
                -129 days ago

                The Democrats are the only chance we have to change the system without violence. They are actually receptive to things like ranked choice voting and independent redistricting. If the Republicans have their way with this country, the only way out is with millions dead in a revolution.

      • @[email protected]
        -129 days ago

        I don’t think the article goes into any of this. Yes democrats did support those legislations. But the featured article is about youth disenchantment about democrats corruption. Not those laws.

  • @[email protected]
    729 days ago

    I love shitting on how the Democrats are bad as much as the next leftist, but this is both low effort and off topic.

  • Bakkoda
    29 days ago

    Careful people. Any criticism of Biden means you are saying both sides are just as bad and/or shouting Russian propaganda.

    Edited the better gender inclusivity.

    • @[email protected]
      929 days ago

      You’ll find plenty of criticism of Biden in the comment history of most of the people you’re targeting with this comment. People get tired of the logical fallacy type arguments you’re suggesting. Hence the downvotes/lumping in with bots.