I was excited to ride to work today in the sunny spring weather. Then I saw the wind forecast. No thank you, I’ll pass. I ride directly into the wind on my commute home, and am completely exposed the whole way.

Edit: For people who use proper units, 43 miles/hour is 69 km/hour.

  • @litchralee
    415 days ago

    I have a fairly short commute (4 km), so my weather red-lines are: hail, smoke (usually from wildfires), and snow (hasn’t happened yet).

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    315 days ago

    I will not ride in the rain. I had a traumatic incident with wet brakes when I was quite young and while I know intellectually that properly maintained brakes still work when wet, I just won’t do it.

  • @[email protected]
    114 days ago

    Commuted in range from 19(-7) to 104(40). Wind gusts of 50 mph(80 mph) heavy rain and light snow. Good riding gear goes a long way. Draw the line at “winter mix”/ice storm, heavy snow where losing control a real possibility. Also dense smoke.