On March 26, a clear, brisk night, Abdullah Sharif Atwi, Abdulrahman al-Shaar, Ahmad al-Shaar, Baraa Abu Qais, Hussein al-Shaar, Muhammad al-Farouq Atwi and Muhammad Ragheed Hammoud were in the second-floor hangout.

The Israeli drones hovered overhead, they had been going all day and now their sound was fading almost into the background.

The group was in high spirits, taking videos of themselves and joking about.

About half an hour after midnight, just into March 27, Israel hit the centre with an air strike, levelling the two-storey building.

Israel killed a total of 17 people in three different towns just that day, 10 of them medical workers.

  • @[email protected]M
    261 month ago

    This is not new for Israel.

    Back when Israel illegally invaded Lebanon years ago, the brother of a good friend of mine was a doctor in the occupied zone.

    When the Israelis had a prisoner who needed treatment, they would show up at his house in the middle of the night, tell him if he resisted he would be shot, hauled him off to treat some poor bastard who had the bad luck to be in Israeli custody, then dump him at the side of the road when they were done with him.

    This happened REGULARLY, and my friend’s brother wasn’t the only one.

    Israel commits war crimes, regularly, which is why there are so many UN resolutions against them.

  • @[email protected]
    131 month ago

    Israel has been trying to provoke Lebanon into a war for decades now. They’re not going to stop.

  • @SuddenDownpour
    81 month ago

    What a lovely neighbour for all surrounding countries. Aren’t they lucky to be right next to the only democracy in the Middle East?

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 month ago

      They are very unlucky that all those terrorist groups start popping up every time the israeli army goes on a friendly company excursion to a neighboring country.

  • @[email protected]
    -71 month ago

    If y’all really gave a shit, you’d start blaming the other 191 UN countries not giving a shit, and stop focusing on GenoJoe.

    Hit the low hanging fruit, and you’ll shake shake the whole tree.

    Or don’t… because complaining is more fun than actually doing stuff.