Link to the modlog:

Link to the community: [email protected]

Edit: for context, I first sent a DM to the single mod asking them if we could consider merging communities (basically my comment below). They ignored me but opened the thread.

My comment

Should we maybe consider merging this one with [email protected] ? We have regular pinned posts and movie-specific discussion threads over there, and that community has been more active than this one lately, be it weekly or monthly (1.54k vs 1.32k and 2.92k vs 2.51k). The moderation team has several people, including movie enthusiasts who post there regularly. We had our first AMA a while ago a few weeks ago: And if people ask why we wanted to have a community on another instance than, the large majority of active communities are already on LW (, it seems better to spread communities a bit.

Reason for removal

Not currently considering this action Maybe in the future.

I guess I’m just a bit sad that they removed the comment altogether instead of letting it there and considering a discussion.

I’ve heard several times that Lemmy should consolidate communities (like what happened with [email protected] and [email protected] recently), but I guess it’s easier said than done.

In the meantime, congrats for making this community the most active one!

  • @[email protected]
    1926 days ago

    Your intentions here may be positive, but you’re basically asking them to shut down their community and posting an ad for your community on theirs to take their traffic. I can see why they removed it and don’t see any problem with that. Send them a DM next time

    • @[email protected]OP
      26 days ago


      I sent a DM first. The mod didn’t reply to me but opened this thread.

      but you’re basically asking them to shut down their community and posting an ad for your community on theirs to take their traffic.

      Yes, that worked before with the mod of [email protected] (send them a DM, they agreed, consulted their community and then locked the community).

      As I said, it’s their choice, I agree to disagree, but they could have left the comment instead of removing it.

      • @[email protected]
        1326 days ago

        They have no obligation to leave up your comment which is actively trying to redirect their traffic to your community. I don’t get why you think removing it was a problem

        • @[email protected]OP
          -426 days ago

          If someone was to make the same comment in this community, I would leave it and discuss why or why not it should happen. I usually only remove content that is disrespectful (insults, harassment) or break the rules. Removing opinions you disagree with doesn’t seem to create a healthy space for conversation.

          Also, traffic itself isn’t worth much, and actively moderating a community isn’t a task a lot of people want to do (as you can see in the post, nobody really volunteers).

          About it being “my” community, I accept any mod who would like to help (we now have a few, that is nice). There isn’t any real benefit of moderating a community, it’s more of a hassle than anything else, which is probably why nobody wanted to do it over there.

          • @[email protected]
            26 days ago

            I get you don’t think you were engaging in self-promotion by publicly talking up your community within their community, but you actually were, and it’s explicitly against their rules. And yes, as a mod of this community, it is your community, as it is for anyone involved in this community who has an interest in driving traffic to it

              • @[email protected]
                1026 days ago

                It’d be better if you accepted you broke that community’s rules and the mod was justified in removing your comment rather than complaining about it and putting them on blast so publicly

                • @[email protected]M
                  26 days ago

                  Hmmm. I feel like you may be a bit harsh here. I agree that the mod is free to do what they want, and generally don’t think community diversity is bad (though I lean toward some form of consolidation around this kind of community, or at least better organisation).

                  But for a nascent and small platform like the fediverse, talking about how we organise ourselves is almost always a fair topic of conversation IMO, for the simple reason that self-organisation is exactly what the fediverse is about, how it was made and how it will thrive.

                  And was it really against the rules? “Self promotion”? The suggestion was for a merger with a community where I’m not sure Blaze had anything personal to gain. So not promotion or for themselves?

                  I can’t shake the feeling that this is all very Reddit thinking, that makes more sense at their scale and with the more rabid behaviour and territorialism you’d get there. There, shutting down conversations like this makes sense as an immune response against potentially toxic bad faith actors. Plus, the number of users there is such that community building is easier.

                  But here? That might be an auto-immune disorder. People take ownership on the fediverse and have the opportunity to think about how things should be and even make that happen (beyond just starting a new community that is). Letting that all play out in conversations seems fundamental, and removing comments or banning users for trying to have organisational conversations may just be anti-fediverse as much as it might seem like reasonable community moderation, at least if we’re still doing things the Reddit way.

                  Ideally, perhaps, there’d be a good meta-community community for people to talk about these things without moderation concerns being triggered.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  -526 days ago

                  I wanted to stop there but if you want to give it another go, sure.

                  First of all, there has been “self promotion” about this community on [email protected] in the past:

                  I had a few discussions via DM with the main mod in the past, all went well as you can see above.

                  Also, he didn’t add the reason of his removal as “self promotion”, but as “Not currently considering this action”. He didn’t even mention breaking any rule.

                  putting them on blast so publicly

                  I would have rather preferred having discussed that over DMs, but he never replied to my first.

                  Also, aren’t modlogs public for a reason, to keep moderators accountable for their decisions?

      • @[email protected]M
        126 days ago

        I sent a DM first. The mod didn’t reply to me but opened this thread.

        Awkwardly enough, I’m wondering if sometimes a DM doesn’t federate? I feel like I’ve had DMs get ignored, but am wondering now if it was a federation issue.

        • @[email protected]OP
          226 days ago

          I specifically used my LW account to make sure the message would go through.

          Also, the fact that they posted just after I sent the DM indicated that they received and read it.

  • @imaqtpieA
    1326 days ago

    Your suggestion makes sense to me. But there is also nothing wrong with them wanting to keep running their own community. It’s just something that has to work itself out over time I guess.

    • @[email protected]OP
      -526 days ago

      But there is also nothing wrong with them wanting to keep running their own community.

      Fragmentation of discussion when the people commenting aren’t that many in the first place. That’s the main issue for me, and that’s why I’ve been trying to push for consolidation of communities

      • @imaqtpieA
        926 days ago

        I agree. But they can still ultimately do what they want, and that’s a good thing. Just keep working on building an active and welcoming community and things will turn out fine.

        • @[email protected]OP
          -326 days ago

          But they can still ultimately do what they want, and that’s a good thing.

          I mean, at least with public modlogs they are accountable for what they do.

  • Nemeski
    26 days ago

    I think it can be good that there are a few communities for the same thing, so that people have options if there’s deferedation drama in the future.

    • @[email protected]M
      126 days ago

      Yea generally I agree, you kinda need the options to exist before things go to shit.

      But when it comes to communities it’s pretty easy to create new ones and advertise them whenever something goes bad. That’s basically what happened with this one after went down. And plenty seem to find the community fragmentation annoying, or at least used to say so. I’m not sure where the balance sits, but at least talking about the possibility of trying to organise better probably makes sense.

    • @[email protected]OP
      026 days ago


      It is indeed good that there are a few communities on the same topic.

      At the moment, we have (sorted by weekly activity:

      The hexbear and beehaw communities are a good example of what you mentioned.

      On the other hand, do we really need the [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected], on instances that are all federated with each other, and leading to a fragmentation of discussions across three places?

      • Nemeski
        26 days ago

        I don’t see the current situation with the communities as being too bad for now. I see it more as a problem that most of the users are registered on one big instance like, because here the users are the ones who produce the content and not the platforms. So if is down then it is immediately more noticeable in comment/posting activity compared to if it would be only mostly their communities being down.

        • @[email protected]OP
          125 days ago

          I see it more as a problem that most of the users are registered on one big instance like, because here the users are the ones who produce the content and not the platforms.

          Yes, that’s another issue altogether but very valid indeed.

  • Otter
    26 days ago

    In the meantime, congrats for making this community the most active one!

    I like this one 😊 Nice work on getting it going!

    I agree that it’s silly to remove comments offering alternatives.

    • It will make people worry about if the decision is a fair one / one that the rest of the community agrees with
    • Other people are likely thinking the same thing, but they won’t see the explanation for why it’s not being pursued. That’s not as productive as openly explaining why

    It’s totally fine to not want to merge, but responding in the thread would be better

    • @[email protected]OP
      025 days ago

      This community has been created to avoid overcentralization of

      Also, if the LW community was actively managed I wouldn’t mind (I regularly post to [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] which are on LW), but they still don’t have

      • discussion threads
      • weekly threads

      Consolidation of communities is an issue that is regularly brought up on Lemmy, so that’s what this whole suggestion was trying to address.

  • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝M
    526 days ago

    As I’ve said before, I don’t have an issue with there being more than one community per subject - it comes down to survival of the fittest and successful communities will tend to gain the focus.

    There will likely always be a l.w community for any major topic even if others are thriving elsewhere. Movies in particular is a big enough subject that this is inevitable and, currently, no individual community is covering all movie news, so it is handy to have a couple to subscribe to in order to get a more comprehensive feed.

    Some have their own niche, like: [email protected] which is mainly memes.

    Communities that should be shuttered:

        • UKFilmNerdM
          226 days ago

          It some kind of bizarre mod chase across the Fediverse!

            • @[email protected]M
              125 days ago

              Ok I just checked and … is someone even allowed to mod that many communities!

              Your Moderator View must basically be your personal feed huh?

              • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝M
                125 days ago

                Oh crumbs no, I am subscribed to 100s of communities. I’m gradually taking them over but it will take a while.

                • @[email protected]M
                  125 days ago

                  Ha. Genuinely curious question (just in case it comes off badly) … what draws you to or what do you get out of modding communities? I figure there must be something relatively specific to it given that you seem to enjoy and do it a bit.

    • @[email protected]OP
      225 days ago


      Thanks for chiming in, I’ll post in those communities to see if they are still active.

      • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝M
        125 days ago

        It’s not just the community activity, but the Mod’s. For the first three that is 12 months, 10 months and no Mod (also no posts). The last has three More, 2 have been gone 6 months, and the other 1 month.

  • @[email protected]M
    126 days ago

    I’ve heard several times that Lemmy should consolidate communities (like what happened with [email protected] and [email protected] recently), but I guess it’s easier said than done.

    Yea. It’s tricky and frustrating. The community fragmentation is more than what makes sense here given the user size, which only adds to the confusion of the platform. And yet people like to hold on to the communities they mod/own and many happily route around all of that by just using All as their main feed.

    All that being said, this is at least better than the treatment you (and I, sorta, afterward) got from the other place, being banned and all. And it is an understandably touchy topic, so at least they said “maybe in the future”. It’s just be nice if more were actively interested in trying to make the overall platform better (which sometimes involves more different but overlapping communities, just not all there time).

    Still, you’ve done well with this one!

    • @[email protected]OP
      126 days ago

      this is at least better than the treatment you (and I, sorta, afterward) got from the other place, being banned and all.

      Indeed, I almost pinged you because I reminded me of that stuff ha ha.

      Yea. It’s tricky and frustrating. The community fragmentation is more than what makes sense here given the user size, which only adds to the confusion of the platform. And yet people like to hold on to the communities they mod/own
