• @[email protected]
    2033 months ago

    Fun fact, whether this meme is pro-Israel or pro-Palestine is 100% decided by what date you consider the “start” of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

    • @[email protected]
      1163 months ago

      The history around Gaza and Israel is long and super complicated. The “they hit me first” gets really fucking dumb after like 10 rounds. That’s why most people in the west don’t support the war, they support leaving people alone. Either the gazans or the Israelites.

      War is the ultimate singularity. It’s a black hole that sucks up everyone and everything and there’s literally no positive to it. So if you have a say in it, the only way to cause less tragedy is to stop it.

      On that note, fuck the Hamas for attacking Israel at the festival, and fuck Israel for escalating this into another war.

        • @[email protected]
          163 months ago

          Hamas is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. It wasn’t “invented” by Israel. And Israel didn’t fund them, but it’s true that Bibi let Qatar money reach Hamas when he could’ve blocked it.
          The belief among some of the ones who supported that, was that better conditions of life in Gaza would prevent them from going to another war - An article about it from 2015

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Mhhh yes which is why israel systematically blocks aid from entering Gaza and the humanitarian catastrophe and restrictions on aid only got worse over the years. Surely israel tried to help Gaza by instead of letting in food, give money to Hamas. this makes perfect sense now.

            NPR is straight up Zionist propaganda.

            • @[email protected]
              163 months ago

              Hamas was the government of Gaza. You couldn’t get anything in there without it getting through Hamas anyway.
              They sure managed to get a lot of weapons and rockets in there, and enough building materials for massive underground tunnels.

              And your dear Al-Jazeera has an article from 2017 that says Qatari money actually did help Gaza Analysts: Qatar supports Gaza not Hamas
              Are they also Zionist propaganda now?

              • @[email protected]
                -133 months ago

                They sure managed to get a lot of weapons and rockets in there, and enough building materials for massive underground tunnels.

                Yes which why it is obvious the blockade on Gaza was only using the blocking of “smuggled weapons” as an excuse to starve civilians.

                You are destroying your own argument.

                Your Qatar link is irrelevant. Of course Qatar supports Gaza. However Netanyahu asked Qatar to give cash to Hamas.

            • @[email protected]
              13 months ago

              Well goddammit, we’ve got a genuine freedom fighter here in our midst, waging war against the (wink wink nudge nudge) ZIONISTS. Are you a member of the legendary 104th Battalion, the Keyboard Snipers? Or are you part of that new 88th Battalion, the Fighting Dogwhistle Luftwaffles, deploying out of your parents basement?

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        Circle of hatred.

        No matter if it is about a relationship, two political parties or countries. You can only brake out of it,if you commit to not go for the “revenge”.

    • @[email protected]
      573 months ago

      can i be pro-both, anti-genocide, and think that both of their ruling parties are fucked to shit

      I think that much be a popular opinion but WTF is happening there

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Hamas’s entire goal is to kill all Jews, and take Israel back for themselves (“river to the sea”).

        What do people think is going to happen if Israel just stops? Another Oct. 7th. At what point do people need to address this fact?

        EDIT: Some of y’all should read a Qur’an sometime.

        • @[email protected]
          333 months ago

          Hamas actually got rid of that from its charter. It stopped making claims like that around the early 2000s and actually revamped their entire charter in 2018.

          October 7th was the direct result of over a decade of Israeli war on Gaza bombing hospitals, shooting protestors, and blockading them. It’s what happens when terrorists try to moderate and go legitimate but get rebuffed.

          And then, the future. Are you really trying to say Hamas has anywhere near the military power of the IDF? That a Hamas led genocide is a realistic thing to worry about? Because that’s ridiculous. Just based on the numbers.

        • @[email protected]
          -113 months ago

          This is a massive lie. Hamas goal is to get colonizers off their land.

          Hamas has never killed a single Jew outside of israel. In fact it doesn’t kill any people that don’t occupy their land.

    • @[email protected]
      213 months ago

      Yeah I was thinking it was pro Palestine until I read the comments and realized it could be interpreted the other way as well…

      Idk if the ambiguity was intentional, but it’s good lol.

        • macrocarpa
          13 months ago

          Baby mama drama - tale as old as time.

          Man, I miss Jerry Springer.

      • @[email protected]
        -123 months ago

        One day? There have been countless atrocities committed against Israel over the last 100 years. Israel has the Iron Dome because rockets have been fired at them routinely. Those rockets are inaccurate; the chances of them hitting military targets and not civilians is low.

        Israel is completely justified in wanting to retaliate. Retaliating against civilians is a completely different matter, however. Especially civilians who are completely powerless in almost every sense of the word.

          • @[email protected]
            13 months ago

            That is precisely why I think it’s important not to make exaggerated claims that can easily be refuted. Israel will claim that the calls for them to stop come from liars. The established facts are damning by themselves, so let’s stick to those.

    • @[email protected]
      273 months ago

      On one hand I totally agree, but on the other I would like to see billionaires on the guillotine.

    • @[email protected]
      93 months ago

      This is ultimately the Jedi philosophy. Only use lethal force to defend oneself or others.

      If the Oct 7 and ensuring events happened during, say that High Republic, the Jedi would be despatched to buffer the warzone. Then meditate between both sides like access to places of worship and settlement zoning, arrest anyone on both sides committing crimes against the Republic (kidnappers and war criminals) which would in turn please citizens on both sides. Then probably install a small Jedi outpost/temple to act as local peacekeepers. All to prevent more death, which is ultimately one of the main tenants of the Jedi Order.

      One could argue Luke’s actions are the result of defense of others needed so direly after years of slaughter and against an indiscriminate killing machine by the Empire that the loss of life, albeit great, was justified.

        • @MyEdgyAlt
          73 months ago

          Hey now, they’re only bombing the Gaza part of Palestine. In the West Bank they’re just shooting the people and stealing land slower. And in the rest of Palestine they haven’t needed to do much of either after they terrorized the locals into fleeing back in 1948.

      • @[email protected]
        273 months ago

        There’s no doubt that Israelis are killing Palestinian people in much larger numbers than Palestinians are killing Israelis. Many people have many views on who is responsible for what, and there are a lot of difficult and complicated discussions that one might have, but for you to forget about all of the Palestinians who lost their lives is just disgraceful.

        • @[email protected]
          163 months ago

          And vice versa. It’s known as the most complicated political quagmire of centuries. If you’re rooting for strictly one side or the other, you’re probably wrong.

          Yes, it’s perfectly reasonable to want the war to stop. Once you start going farther than that…

          Don’t allow people to push you to an extreme because you want to view your argument as a team sport.

          • @[email protected]
            163 months ago

            Yeah, fuck those 4 year old terrorists. They didn’t deserve heads anyways. Those terrorists in graveyards deserved to be dug up. Controlled demolition of universities is necessary because most of the bricks are terrorists. If a handful of terrorists hide in a hospital, the only logical thing to do is bomb the fuck out of the hospital.

            Nothing about how the IDF is behaving looks like targeted attacks on Hamas. Military experts everywhere have been telling Israel since the beginning that their tactics would fail and result in mass civilian casualties and a strengthened Hamas. Israel does it anyways because killing civilians is the objective. Destroying homes, hospitals, schools, universities, religious institutions, and even graveyards is the objective. Everything that ties the Palestinian people to their land is being destroyed in a bald faced effort to drive them away. That is genocide, and that is terrorism.

    • @[email protected]
      443 months ago


      member that time the Skywalkers evicted and displaced hundreds of sand people (that’s a bad irony) from their ancestral homes?

      Because God told them to?

      Definitely not relevant.

      Why didn’t we just give the Jewish people fucking Utah or something?

      • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
        303 months ago

        Why didn’t we just give the Jewish people fucking Utah or something?


        “These Jews deserve their own place… pretty fucking far away from us.”

      • _NoName_
        213 months ago

        Why didn’t we give the Zionists* Utah.

        And it’s because we were antisemitic wanted the Jews out of our countries. They figured Israel could be used both as a way to jettison Jews from the world, and as a way to have a puppet government in the middle East.

          • @[email protected]
            83 months ago

            If we’re talking about the state of Israel, Israel for sure. Their technology and military intelligence is fucking terrifying (thank you for teaching me that, Darknet Diaries pod)

            Like what the fuck, zero click iPhone jailbreak spy program how in the even shit

      • @[email protected]
        103 months ago

        Well, if you had watched the News in the last decades or just simply check for the History of that places down there, you would understand that your post reads like you are 16 and have no fickn idea what you are talking about.

        Stick to you manga-memes, the racism you recently post doesnt fit you well.

  • @ZombiFrancis
    673 months ago

    And if I remember correctly Luke was wanting to join the Imperial Academy but his uncle kept him on the hydro farm another year.

    Luke was just prior to that even a willing participant of the empire. He wanted to be a pilot, if only to get out of Tatooine.

  • @Socsa
    563 months ago

    Man this post is really some kind of crazy Rorschach test

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Two neighbors were fighting over a financial dispute. They couldn’t reach an agreement, so they took their case to the local rabbi. The rabbi heard the first litigant’s case, nodded his head and said, “You’re right.”

      The second litigant then stated his case. The rabbi heard him out, nodded again and said, “You’re also right.”

      The rabbi’s attendant, who had been standing by this whole time, was justifiably confused. “But, rebbe,” he asked, “how can they both be right?”

      The rav thought about this for a moment before responding, “You’re right, too!”

    • @[email protected]
      153 months ago

      Yeah, I want to interpret it as someone posting not only in support of Palestine, but in warning to Israel that their actions are that of the star wars Empire, and that the rebels did eventually succeed in a massive counterattack

      • @[email protected]
        -13 months ago

        Yeah but in this story the “rebels” want to kill as many Jews as they can, as we saw on October 7.

        In this story if there is a successful counter attack, it will be many many more civilians dead.

        The rebels aren’t always the good guys, you know. I mean do you support the Rebels in the US Civil War? Sometimes the smaller power is just a group of assholes that want horrible things.

    • 1ostA5tro6yne
      113 months ago

      right? my first thought was pro-palestine, then i remembered my local closet trumper is obsessed with Star Wars and views himself as part of the Rebellion/Resistance and the other interpretation became clear. did we learn nothing from the obama-era liberal harry potter fetish?

      • @[email protected]
        63 months ago

        I’ve always been more worried of the Empire did nothing wrong facet of the Fandom, but I guess there’s people who think they’re rebellion too. Despite the fact that the rebellion is the one with multiple races…

        Still, there is an odd commonality of right wing propaganda types using fictional movies, shows, and books as if they are reality.

  • @[email protected]
    243 months ago

    Yeah, cause it’s fiction idiot. You know, the thing where we can have clear cut situations that are entirely black and white. Where one side is entirely evil and the entire one pure good. Reality fucking sucks

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Yup. Often when “It is a period of civil war” the rebels are horrible people, as we saw in the US civil war. Also Star Wars takes a lot from WWII, a conflict where an Alliance (Allies) defeated an Empire. Actually multiple Empires.

      The uniforms of the Star Wars Empire look a lot like the German Empire, and the trench run was like a dam-busting bombing run and Hoth was like Dunkirk. But the allies had significantly more resources than the Empires had in WWII. Also the Allies was the side that built a super weapon.

      So… what should we learn from Star Wars? I dunno… fascism is bad even if they might have cool uniforms. That and… pew pew pew voom voom.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      That’s the fun part about Palestine. Reality rarely gets as black and white as it is there.

      And still our country is cheering for black.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        This post could support both sides

        Just like in the movies, if you only tell the story from one side. You could ignore the October attack and sympathize with Palestine

        • @[email protected]
          -13 months ago

          That is like sympathizing with the Nazis and the Jews in WW2 at the same time.

          Many people sympathized with the Nazis in WW2. Everything was so much more gray black then. But then we found out that "wait Genocide is bad this is actually pretty black and white.’ And so it is with Palestine which is currently under attack by the modern day Nazis.

          • @[email protected]
            3 months ago

            Okay since you appear to already sympathize with Palestine and can’t seem to understand my post because of it

            You could ignore the civilian attacks by the IDF and sympathize with Israel

          • @MentalGymnastics
            -163 months ago

            While they chant from river to sea. That has been their slogan way before October 7th. They always been a terroristic people. That’s why they allow and voted in a terrorist organization to govern them way before October 7th.

      • @[email protected]
        -13 months ago

        Hamas launches rockets from schools and hospitals, kills other Muslims who cooperate with Israel

        Has in its founding charter the death of all Jews

        Rarely gets as black and white as it is there


  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    it’s as if we are in an alternate timeline where Luke immediately went to emperor Palpatine and said your cock is the best I’ve ever seen! let me suck it, and let’s do a commercial together about how the empire will save the galaxy, and that you should donate to his reelection.

  • @[email protected]
    213 months ago

    I don’t know why people seem to be mad that a fictional story can accurately represent real life like we don’t already have actual real life examples of the same thing.

    Anyone remember Rambo thanking the Mujahideen fighters, which was retracted in future publications.

  • @JulesTheModest
    143 months ago

    There’s also an Orville episode called “Krill”, same idea.

  • Echo Dot
    143 months ago

    I’m really not sure I understand what point he’s trying to make. First of all he’s equating fiction to reality which is ridiculous at the very least.

    But secondly, he took revenge on the people who actually killed his family. As opposed to taking revenge on people that just happened to be in the approximate vicinity of people who killed his family. The Death Star was a military base.

    • @[email protected]
      283 months ago

      Both Death Stars were literally weapons of mass destruction. You could not choose a more appropriate military target to blow up

    • @rwhitisissle
      223 months ago

      I’m really not sure I understand what point he’s trying to make.

      The point is that there exists a fundamental dissonance between events as they transpire in fiction and for which the audience is emotionally invested and those same kinds of events as they happen in real life and the audience’s perception of them as they happen in real life.

      Star Wars was originally inspired by Lucas’s perspective on the Vietnam War. The Storm Troopers are, in that sense, comparable to American forces killing unarmed Vietnamese farmers. Most Americans who saw Star Wars never made that connection because this is in conflict with the audience’s internalized notion of “America good” and “America’s enemies bad.” As such, in watching and enjoying the story of Star Wars, you are ironically investing yourself into a narrative that inverts your normative ideological position. You can extrapolate this onto the current conflict in Ghaza without much effort.

      First of all he’s equating fiction to reality which is ridiculous at the very least.

      They are not being “equated” - they are being compared. He’s making an implied comparison between fictional events and real world current events in order to highlight similarities between the two. Specifically, he’s doing a form of comparison called “juxtaposition.” Being able to do this is a very basic element of media literacy.

      he took revenge on the people who actually killed his family

      Well, no, the specific individuals who killed his family were probably the stormtroopers stationed on Tatooine, whom he never actually interacted with. The specific people onboard the Death Star that were not part of the Empire’s military high command had virtually nothing at all to do with his family’s death.

      As opposed to taking revenge on people that just happened to be in the approximate vicinity of people who killed his family. The Death Star was a military base.

      The individual in the image literally says that he “immediately joined the armed resistance and literally blew up the enemy base.” Not sure what your point is here, unless you’re implying that you believe that the Palestinians who are fighting against Israel are only attacking indiscriminate civilian targets and not military ones.

      • Echo Dot
        93 months ago

        Israel is attacking civilians indiscriminately what are you on about

        • @rwhitisissle
          73 months ago

          Do you think Israel in this scenario is the Rebel Alliance or the Empire? Because you seem confused.

          • @[email protected]
            23 months ago

            It works both ways depending on the timescale you apply. You could compare the murder of lukes parents to october 7th. It fits the “bad thing where people die happens, response kills far more” that applies to palestine too. And the public perception, especially of people supporting israel, seems to think the conflict started there.

            I saw it that way, but still as a post critical of israel saying “it’s easy to see an atrocity and want revenge at all costs, but that doesn’t make it right”. The “yea” at the end implies to me that what we thought with the fiction was maybe mistaken.

            Of course, the death star was a weapon of mass destruction seconds from destroying a planet, so there really isn’t much moral ambiguity there, but not mentioning that is likely deliberate in order to make the comparison work.

      • @Socsa
        -13 months ago

        The big difference here is that Vietnam never attacked America.

        • @rwhitisissle
          3 months ago

          You’re right. Israel was always there and then the Palestinians just showed up randomly one day and attacked them out of nowhere. There is no decades long history of apartheid and outright oppression of the Palestinian people by the state of Israel and this conflict has no roots in colonialism or ethnostate politics. /s

  • @[email protected]
    123 months ago

    Fuck that post. It puts even more gasoline into the fire. Break out of the circle of hatred. Stop the war!

    • Lev_Astov
      393 months ago

      The problem is it can be just as easily interpreted either way. It should seem to most of us to say, ‘destroying homes creates more martyrs,’ but I’m sure half the people will interpret it as, ‘unprovoked attack deserves indiscriminate retaliation.’ In that, it does a surprisingly good job of encapsulating how complicated the whole thing is…

    • @[email protected]
      -43 months ago

      This comment is the essence of liberalism

      Vibes and aesthetics garbage instead of any real analysis. Sounding smart is more important than being one.

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago

        “A liberal is someone who opposes every war except the current war and supports all civil rights movements except the one that’s going on right now.”

  • @[email protected]
    93 months ago

    And that we just casually missed the part where he went to the outpost, and killed all the non combatants.