The gang has a great plan to disrupt a dangerous new weapon and the plan mostly works until
Tobias is brutally tortured to the brink of death by a sadist voluntary controller.
He and Rachel finally kiss at the end after she saves him and doesn’t kill the sadist much to my disappointment. Tobias convinces Rachel that killing his torturer would make them as bad as the torturer, and I do not agree.
Weird skin tones in that double andalite drawing. And a segmented rattlesnake tail, which I don’t think we’ve seen before either and the tail has never been described looking like.
Gosh, I only remember there being like a dozen of these books. Where did you get them to reread?
They’re all over the Internet and in every library, but my copies are from one of the fan forums that have them all available.
I don’t know which one at this point, it must be over a decade ago at this point
Now if only I could find the time to reread them.
Thank you, friend.