Some in the former president’s camp say it’s time more young adults put “some skin in the game.”

JD Vance appears to be in on requiring the kids of non-billionaires to serve in the military too:

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), a potential Trump running mate, said in an interview that he sees a clear need for measures to boost participation. “I like the idea of national service. And I’m not talking about in wartime,” he said, calling for more Americans to put “some skin in the game.”

    • ME5SENGER_24
      1717 days ago

      Where the fuck are you?

      Why don’t presidents fight the war?

      Why do they always send the poor?

      Why do they always send the poor?

  • @[email protected]
    4217 days ago

    Let the Trump advisors go first.

    Stop sending young men to die for profits them and their families will never see. We see through the facade.

    • Kairos
      16 days ago

      Just in case anyone doesn’t know: the main supreme court case about conscription basically had the decision of “But Mom! All the other countries do it!”

    • @[email protected]
      -2417 days ago

      It would be far from “slavery” in the typical sense.

      If this happened, those people would get food, housing, healthcare and job training while getting paid for it.

      Though I’m definitely not in favor of conscription because how can you call yourself free if you’re required to do involuntary military work for the government.

        • @[email protected]
          817 days ago

          Yeah, the comment just made 0 sense; Slaves got free food, lodging and Healthcare all the way back to biblical times. They also got a free dating service so the master could keep them forever.

          • @[email protected]
            316 days ago

            I’ll add to that, they also got free “education” to learn skills needed for their “job” and how to adress their “superiors”.

  • Erasmus
    3917 days ago

    Hmmmm….Fortunate Son plays softly in the background.

  • @[email protected]
    17 days ago

    I remember when Obama suggested mandatory civil service. Not necessarily military but local government or parks. Doing some local community work. I thought that was a great idea.

    Having mandatory military is dumb. I was in for a few enlistments and you don’t want someone forced to be there when people’s lives are on the line. Vietnam ended up with a bunch of officers getting fragged by disgruntled draftees.

    • @[email protected]
      617 days ago

      I think it would be a great way to nearly eradicate unemployment and justify free college/trade school until we can force UBI down politicians’ throats.

    • @[email protected]
      216 days ago

      I think some kind of public service is potentially good but you have to sort out your incentive structure first. Otherwise all those extra workers just end up being the only workers.

  • finley
    3017 days ago

    for what? the wars they plan to start?

    • @[email protected]OP
      1717 days ago

      For that, and because when you’re in the military, you don’t have the same right to free expression.

    • @[email protected]
      817 days ago

      Yes, probably. But a larger military means more money piped into the military budget, even in peacetime, if there ever is such a thing again. And a larger budget means more money funneled into the military industrial teat for the GOP and their donors to suckle off of.

    • @[email protected]
      017 days ago

      A lot of misogynists like to throw out how ‘women don’t have to suffer the draft’ (like we’ve even had one of those in forever). So if it’s just for men, probably giving that old tired jaw teeth again?

      • @the_crotch
        416 days ago

        We still have mandatory registration for selective service, it’s only for men, and feminist groups like the national organization of women believe it should be expended to I clude women or eliminated because it’s sexist

  • @[email protected]
    2317 days ago

    Ah yes, the famous draft dodger that will disinherit his children if they join the armed forces.

  • @ricecake
    2217 days ago

    That’s the worst idea I’ve heard on so many levels.

    Drafting people is immoral.

    Also, it’s politically stupid because the draft is just… Extremely unpopular. Universal mandatory service will be radically less popular.

    Then, you’re filling the military with a bunch of people who don’t want to be there. Suddenly a sizable portion of the US military is composed of new recruits who don’t want to be there. If only half the people who come up for mandatory service actually get drafted, that’s still more people than are currently in the US military. This will do wonders for effectiveness and morale.

    Finally, once they get out, you have an insane amount of GI bill benefits to pay out, to say nothing of the long term VA costs that come from more than doubling the size of the military. (Potentially up to a 10x increase, assuming four year term of service and roughly 4M 18 year olds per year).
    Or you can change the law to deny GI bill benefits to draftees, which is definitely going to be popular with the people whose life you’re stealing.

    I suppose “draft everyone” is technically a way to give everyone subsidized college education and universal healthcare, but I think there’s better ways.

    Just the dumbest possible people.

    • @[email protected]
      1117 days ago

      As if they would actually pay out on the GI bill. I’ve known more than a few that gets screwed over over stupid technicalities or paperwork. The fact is the US government does not give a shit about vets and that’s a sad thing

    • SolidGrue
      817 days ago

      Then, you’re filling the military with a bunch of people who don’t want to be there. Suddenly a sizable portion of the US military is composed of new recruits who don’t want to be there. If only half the people who come up for mandatory service actually get drafted, that’s still more people than are currently in the US military. This will do *wonders* for effectiveness and morale.

      A gift for Papa Putin, you say?

  • @[email protected]
    1217 days ago

    Ozzy summed it up well:

    Politicians hide themselves away They only started the war Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor

  • @[email protected]
    1116 days ago

    Lots of European countries have mandatory military service. Including scandanavian countries that are sometimes held up as a social democracy ideal. It works because they are primarily defensive in nature. When invaded, you want to have a large reserve list to fall back on; people who can return to service with minimal training. Motivation isn’t usually a problem, because people tend to rally around the flag when invaded.

    Conscription doesn’t work as well when you’re the aggressor. You have to convince those conscripts that they are here for a good reason. They otherwise start questioning why the hell they’re putting their life on the line for a bunch of rich idiots at the top. Even if they don’t desert, they won’t put in their full effort.

    This is basically the difference between the armies of Russia and Ukraine. They’re both relying on conscripts, but one is clearly the aggressor and has motivation issues. We can also look back to America’s history in Vietnam. Lots of people both pressed into service and at home who question why the hell we’re doing this.

    So what you do instead is ramp up jingoisim. Convince people they should enlist, and then it was their own “free will” to run off and die for rich idiots at the top.

    Some of the people most opposed to mandatory service are the top military officers. They want a voulenteer military, not because they’re high minded or anything, but because they know what kind of wars America fights.

    That is, until one party had its brain eaten by a man who doesn’t understand the playbook.