I edited the “humorous” thumbnail. I apologize if I offended anyone.


Release notes

The Wine development release 9.11 is now available.

What’s new in this release:

  • C++ exception handling on ARM platforms.
  • More DPI Awareness support improvements.
  • Various bug fixes.
  • @[email protected]
    1617 days ago

    Going to be honest jokes about tragedies can work but this is just straight up insensitive.

    • @[email protected]
      617 days ago

      And even worse: it’s just not funny. “lol look! Number is same as terrorist attack one!!1!” Yep. Sure is. Hilarious…

        • @[email protected]
          617 days ago

          I missed whatever the original was - I assume it was towers / terrorism related due to 9/11.

          Ive noticed a trend of americans giving zero fucks about any tragedy but no one can ever touch 9/11

        • @[email protected]
          317 days ago

          Honestly, good on you for taking accountability on it and editing it.

          It’s the “time and place”, I feel— there’s loads of dank 9/11 memes online with (relatively) positive reception, but I think it just would’ve faired better in a community better suited for that kind of humor.

          But regardless, as with any tragedy, the joke will still miss for many people. I mean, many of the families affected are still alive, and anyone older than 30 probably remembers when they heard the news.

    • @[email protected]
      317 days ago

      Yup, and they’re super proud of this too, since they posted it pretty much anywhere it would be even remotely relevant.

      Probably the most lazy joke one could even make.

      “Lol number is 9.11, let’s show a pic of the exact moment hundreds of people instantly died cuz it’s the number!”

      They could have made a joke about “Windows APIs can’t melt steel Wines” or something.

      • @[email protected]
        517 days ago

        Yup, and they’re super proud of this too, since they posted it pretty much anywhere it would be even remotely relevant.

        fr. it might have earned an eye roll or a chuckle if it had been a single post to linuxmemes, but the spamming just makes it obnoxious trolling

        • @[email protected]OP
          17 days ago

          single post to linuxmemes

          Yep, but this was about a wine release, not a meme. Look, I didn’t even post it on Linux Memes.

          the spamming just makes it obnoxious trolling

          There was no spamming and it wasn’t trolling. I posted it literally to three communities: Wine, Linux, and Linux Gaming. It’s not my fault that the Fediverse is fragmented!!

          btw I deleted the thumbnail. Perhaps I’ll post it on Linux Memes, but I need to rethink it first.

      • @[email protected]OP
        017 days ago

        since they posted it pretty much anywhere it would be even remotely relevant.

        Hmm, perhaps because the Fediverse is so fragmented? These are appropriate places for news like this. I just wanted to make my thumbnail a little more humorous, and unfortunately, this didn’t go well ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͠°)

    • @[email protected]OP
      17 days ago

      I want to assure you that I am a sensitive person who deeply feels for others’ suffering - human or animal alike. This was just a joke, intended as a lighthearted attempt at humor. You can’t dwell in mourning all the time; one must learn to move forward and maintain some distance from life’s tragedies. I acknowledge what happened on 9/11 as monstrous, and I’m not denying that. I deleted the thumbnail.

      • @[email protected]
        217 days ago

        Thank you, but dude, it is the exact moment hundreds of innocent people’s lives were lost, not including the ones that would occur later when people were jumping out of the towers to their deaths to trade a fiery death for an instant one or when the towers actually fell.

        “This was just a joke, intended as a lighthearted attempt at humor.”

        Do you have any Holocaust zingers or dead Palestinian children memes ready for any future releases of Wine too?

  • @azvasKvklenko
    116 days ago

    Honestly I didn’t think about the wording when I forst saw it and only was like “oh I see” when I saw all the downvotes. It would believe it’s possible not to notice when writing it or using some template to make release notes for each release

    • @[email protected]OP
      114 days ago

      Have you ever used ReactOS? And tried to run something on it? I did, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience. Maybe it’s better now. I tried it three years ago. For me, ReactOS is just a toy with no useful applications. I know that ReactOS and Wine share a lot of common technologies, code or something, so they’re not competing projects, but rather they are making something good together. I doubt that these things will work on ReactOS but won’t on Wine.

      • @[email protected]
        114 days ago

        Have you ever used ReactOS? And tried to run something on it? I did, and it wasn’t a pleasant experience

        Yes, I did, multiple times and yes, it isn’t pleasant but Wine isn’t either.

        I doubt that these things will work on ReactOS but won’t on Wine.

        The thing is that there’s already a bunch of stuff that works fine in ReactOS but is still broken in Wine, particularly old Win32 APIs around since Windows 95 that should’ve been fixed by now.