Edit: The way I had it in the photos is correct. Thanks for helping me out, those who chimed in!

Original question:

I replaced the straight handlebars with risers on my mountain bike, and because of the slightly longer distances involved, I have to replace the brake and gear cables with slightly longer ones.

Unfortunately, I did not take a picture of the cable clamp for the front derailleur before I undid it. Now I’m clueless as to how to route the replacement cable - basically the same problem as this poster on RetroBike, except their derailleur is different from mine.

I have super old parts, so I’ve had a hard time finding documentation online. The best documentation I’ve found is the following:

In the service instructions, third column, “SIS adjustment” section, three-quarters of the way down, it says:

  • Cut off any unnecessary cable, attach an end cup, and hook it onto the pin.
  • Note: Pass the cable through as shown in the illustration.

What is absolutely throwing me for a loop is the illustration seems to show the cable running from the bottom upward, but… how? Can anyone help me figure out what I’m missing? I feel like a dumb dumb.

  • kersplooshA
    9 months ago

    I think you’re doing it right. The frame and derailleur both look like they are set up for top-pull cable routing. The manual you referenced is describing a bottom-pull setup, hence the confusion. You should only need to get the cable tension correct.