Is there a hard threshold? Do high risk investments such as penny stocks qualify as gambling? Do low risk investments? Annuities? Bonds? CDs?

This comment got me wondering.

Is it more to do with the venue? Stock markets and real estate vs casinos and the lottery?

Were the MIT Blackjack Team gambling or investing?

Or Jerry and Marge Selbee?

Is this just another semantic hotdogs are sandwiches discussion or is there an agreed threshold?

  • Habahnow
    9 months ago

    That’s a huge if. Part of the bonus of the US dollar is our consistency in paying back debts which the nations of BRICS haven’t shown themselves to be. Not to mention, you need a very strong reason to switch to other currencies. Hell, BRICS hasn’t even decided on a mutual currency, I believe, which means as of now, BRICS basically means going back to before the US was the world trade currency which is a huge step back.

    So sure if BRICS completely gets their shit together and convinces a lot of the economy to join, that would cause problems for the US economy. Or also if Vietnam becomes a huge economy, and decides to Nuke the US, or also if aliens come and blow up the US, or if all americans decide to collectively commit suicide.

    Point I’m making is your worry doesn’t seem like an imminent problem. It could, but it would be a slowly decreasing problem that hopefully the US deals with accordingly and in a way that doesn’t negatively affect people.