Interesting. Thanks for the archive link btw!
Interesting. Thanks for the archive link btw!
TikTok/bytedance are controlled by a rival country. US based companies can, of course, help our rivals too but there’s some degree of separation that makes it a bit harder to address/discover.
Sorry you’re right, my mistake. I misunderstood the topic.
Lol. Just because I think Lemmy has some around a specific topic does not mean that Reddit doesn’t for sure have a shit ton more.
China trying to keep americans on a Chinese app vs an app they can’t control. Honestly, even here in Lemmy the conversation surrounding the TikTok ban looks like when bots and bad actors were appearing to support trump on Reddit in 2016.
China is still an adversary of the US with lots of human rights abuses and no qualms taking any advantage it can over the US. Zuckeberg isnt really much better, but he’s a harder problem to deal with
Not the person you responded to, but some polling indicated that something like 30% of people who didn’t vote for Harris, but did vote for Biden, chose not to vote due to the genocide in Gaza. That poll indicates that maybe some of those 30% may still not have voted for other reasons, but it was the main issue polled.
EDIT: I misunderstood the OP to be asking why voters, overall shifted red. My comment below is basically irrelevant to this topic.
Not certain that makes sense, unless people are moving to different states. If people are just moving out of cities, to more rural areas in the same state, then we should see a redder shift of cities AND a blue shift in the more rural areas. The only way your statement can be true is if potential blue voting people from borderline blue, purple states moved to deeply red states. Like this, the purple states become more red, and the red state becomes more blue, but if it was a deeply red state, the amount of people would not have an electoral effect.
I’m leaning more towards less blue voting people voting this election based on the ~7million less votes Kamala got compared to Biden’s 2020 number, while trump had about the same number of votes in 2020 and 2024.
If you got any evidence though, i’d be interested in seeing it.
Lol that’s way more work than the US is able to handle at the moment. I’ll take imperfect decisions now rather than hypothetical perfect decisions in the future. Also, you’re the one bringing up racism.
Interesting, so it seems because ATT doesn’t have fiber already setup in NY that they’re pulling out. If more states did this, they probably wouldn’t be able to handle pulling out, financially.
Would have been easier for you to see you love winnie the pooh.
I never said that zuckerberg isn’t also doing the same thing. There should be a lot more security over our internet data, China we have many reasons to remove their platforms from the US. the Local companies need to be reined in by the government as well.
I don’t trust China at all, ban all their social media app in the same way they ban ours. I would like the US to be more like the EU in terms of privacy, but China not only doesn’t care, they actively try to use that data to screw over people.
How interesting, and annoying. Thank you for the post regardless.
or disable JS for the site. Doesn’t work for all sites, but if you’re able to ctrl-a, ctrl-c, then the JS block should work.
article is paywalled. I found a similar article with no paywall:
I really loved the event. I barely started playing when the event started, so I have nothing to compare it, but I thoroughly enjoyed the character stories, the free items, the encouragement to use different heroes, etc. I even bought 2 of the bundles! I don’t really have any critiques, as the whole thing felt very rewarding.
Source for this? My understanding was that usually snot color wasn’t a reliable indicator for anything
Jaha we need to add more stools to memes now
Bit of a vague post, but I suggest Trying any distro honestly. You can load it on a USB and use it directly off the USB, no commitments. I bit more of a commitment, dual boot a Linux OS. Very easy and allows access to Linux and windows.
I use Ubuntu and enjoy It a is another good one I used to use.
I would also suggest figuring out what apps you need to see if they work on Linux, or if there are workable alternatives.