• @[email protected]
    10 days ago

    this is good, but I think we should build our own (illegal) stonehenge. Or maybe a pyramid. Not only it’d be nice to have something other than microplastic standing after the society collapse, it’d be a huge powerplay. As we seem to be wanting to join earlier civilizations that are no longer here (nor remembered that fondly) it seems only adequate.

    My geographic area doesn’t really have stone available, best I can do is a mound :(

  • @[email protected]
    1011 days ago

    What does stone henge have to do with climate change? Is it owned by a oil company? Is it spewing emissions from a hidden tail pipe?

    • Funderpants
      11 days ago

      Nothing really, but the protest does shine a light on humanities superficial respect for historically important monuments and cultural sites especially when it comes to climate change.

      Stonehenge is a culturally important site, no doubt about it, and the reaction to the protest has been swift and strong and includes criminal charges. But the same state that condemns these actions in the harshest terms is timid in the face of the much more destructive acts of climate change.

      Where is the outrage over the climate driven erosion of the Cliffs of Dover? Or the surge risk to the tower Of London? Or Orkney Islands? Not even to mention the risks to human health, food production, invasive species, and fires.

      Personally, I’m done carrying water for big oil and climate deniers by focusing on the method of protest instead of the message.

      • Funderpants
        3611 days ago

        Just a note for anyone disagreeing with the sentiment of my last line. I would have agreed with you a year or two ago, but then I read Martin Luther King’s Letter from the Birmingham jail and it changed my mind entirely on the nature of protest, nessecary tension, and the role of so called moderates in perpetuating injustice.

        Give the letter a read, hear some analysis on it, it might change your mind like it did mine.

      • poVoq
        -311 days ago

        protest does shine a light on humanities superficial respect for historically important monuments and cultural sites

        Interestingly the former leader of the Taliban argued exactly the same way when asked why they destroyed some world famous statues in Afghanistan (but compared it to the total lack of care for the actual humans living in Afghanistan, which is ironic considering the source… but hey, everyone is the hero in their own story 🤷‍♂️ ).

        • The Octonaut
          1611 days ago

          Do you understand the difference between blowing up ancient statues with dynamite, and throwing some chalk on stones that have been in place since the 1950s?

          • JackGreenEarth
            510 days ago

            Stonehenge has been around for millennia, not since the 1950s. What are you talking about?

            • The Octonaut
              1210 days ago

              The stones of Stonehenge have been there for millennia, yes, but they are only in their modern configuration since the 1950s, as a best guess reconstruction of something that had been lost long ago.


              The Bamyan statues were much younger, but were largely intact as they had been for 1,400 years. And, y’know, got blown up rather than doused with a bit of colour (which frankly was probably a better recreation of what happened at the real Stonehenge than the LARPing the faux druids do).

    • @[email protected]
      1511 days ago

      It’s a great way to remind people of the disaster ahead, and force people to mention it. Even if in a bad tone, they still have to remind themselves that it exists .

    • @[email protected]
      10 days ago

      Just Stop Oil targets culturally significant objects to highlight that the viewer’s outrage at direct attacks on those objects is greater than the viewer’s outrage at the same attacks against those objects by the creators of climate change.

      If throwing washable paint on Stonehenge pisses you off, you should be even more angry at big oil for progressively destroying the entire planet. Any call for the arrest and immediate punishment of Just Stop Oil members should also match calls for the immediate punishment of big oil execs.

      It’s juvenile, but it’s pointed.

      • Vardøgor
        19 days ago

        but i’ve already been angry at them for that. why assume i wasn’t? now i’m just also worried about historical sites. personally, so lost on what this accomplished

    • @[email protected]
      410 days ago

      I once read a conspiracy theory that these “activists” are actually funded or hired by oil companies to lower peoples’ respect for activists. Sounds plausible, but I’ve never seen proof or evidence.

    • @[email protected]
      210 days ago

      In another thread someone was arguing that stonehenge is valued. And it’s the implication that’s the message.

      He didn’t elaborate on the implication, but he said “What do you think people are gonna do next if this doesn’t work?”

      So maybe the strategy is just attack things people value until climate change is fixed

      • dream_weasel
        010 days ago

        Which is, frankly, overwhelmingly stupid.

        • @[email protected]
          39 days ago

          “What do you think people are gonna do next if this doesn’t work?”

          So maybe the strategy is just attack things people value until climate change is fixed

          Which is, frankly, overwhelmingly stupid.

          I’m pretty sure if they start killing oil executives and portfolio organisers things will start changing pretty sharpish.

          • dream_weasel
            29 days ago

            This is also not “attacking things” it’s attacking people. I can’t argue against the fact that it might be effective though.

        • @[email protected]
          310 days ago

          Activism can never ever ever ever ever achieve anything if it doest cause discomfort. A demonstration that doesn’t block roads or disrupt services is just invisible. And causing damage to a landmark is disruptive and discomforting.

          There is also the point that oil companies will just shoot you if you were to vandalise their office.

          • dream_weasel
            10 days ago

            Perfect! Go find a list of parents with one child and punch those babies. Then figure out which grandparents have the most grandkids and stomp their feet. Next set an orphanage on fire when everyone is playing outside. All these things are exactly as related to climate change as putting beans on art or paint on Stonehenge.

            Of course you are exactly right: this is why all the great protests you hear about for civil rights, women’s rights, and reproductive rights all started by going where it was safe and fucking up some art and history.

            You can have a disruptive impact and not be a totally entitled piece of shit.

  • @[email protected]
    -2211 days ago

    A thousand wrongs won’t equal a right.

    Notice they aren’t doing this to the biggest contributing countries to global carbon emissions. Shameful display.

    • @[email protected]
      2811 days ago

      Yeah what a shame that the UK still allows some form of protest and does not just shoot them like the Chinese. /s

      Seriously the UK is the fithed largest cumulative emitter and even though that is over litterally centuries even recent emissions are well above the global average. Combine that with a government, which allows even more oil and gas drilling, while even opening up a new coal mine. The UK is doing better then quite a few other countries, but it is not exactly great.

      • @[email protected]
        -711 days ago

        The UK is doing great per capita, for an industrialized country. Even if they have histpry, theyve since corrected.

        • 🦄🦄🦄
          1211 days ago

          Not good enough. Comparisons don’t mean shit. This crisis can not be argued with.

        • @[email protected]
          1111 days ago

          If every country did as great as the UK per capita we would be completely and irrevocably fucked.

        • @[email protected]
          611 days ago

          The UK offshored most of its emissions. So as soon as you adjust for that it is about at the level of the EU on a per capita bases. However the EU has much more laws passed to actually reduce emissions in the coming years.

    • @[email protected]
      1810 days ago

      Wait, do you really expect British citizens to fly to the US or China in order to commit vandalism?

      What do you think they’d put on their visa application? “Purpose of travel: throw paint on the Statue of Liberty”?

      In a world full of bad faith “I support your cause but not your methods” attacks on environmental activism, this is one of the most ridiculous ones I’ve ever heard.

    • Funderpants
      1511 days ago

      I’m not sure what to take from this second half, is protest only valid if it happens under a set of circumstances and targets you’ve chosen? Is protest by a westerner invalid if they don’t take a net zero canoe to India or China or Saudi Arabia to deface something there? Surely not.

      • Transporter Room 3
        611 days ago

        Well, depending on who you ask, a protest from a westerner is invalid simply because it’s a westerner.

        Doesn’t even matter if it’s supporting a “non-westerner” cause, because then you’re just another colonizing westerner appropriating something you couldn’t possibly undertand. Regardless of your actual understanding, of course.

        I really don’t know what the OP comment is even trying to say, it just comes off as weirdly confrontational.