• @[email protected]
    3111 days ago

    For context… he says we need to address the cause…

    “We want to do the same thing here. I think this whole climate change dialogue is not going to work. I think this has been used for the last few decades,” he said, highlighted by Mediaite. “I think we should address it directly, what it is, which is pollution.”

    “We want to terminate pollution. There’s the message we should get out there,” Schwarzenegger continued.

    In the past, Schwarzenegger has dubbed climate change the “most important issue.” In office, he promoted clean air and energy policies.

    • jprice
      10 days ago

      I’ve been saying this for two decades. They should have never stopped the anti-pollution campaigns. I don’t remember why they stopped but they kind of just disappeared. Give a hoot don’t pollute was a great early meme. But it’s true, climate change isn’t palpable to the under educated. Pollution IS.

      • @yonder
        410 days ago

        Bit how can we pollute if we use natural gas? It natural so it must be clean! /s

    • Andy
      510 days ago

      This is very sensible. Especially when people think of pollution as a local problem that harms their kids’ health.