Psychomech follows the story of Richard Garrison, a soldier who acquires psychic powers and becomes embroiled in a battle against a malevolent force.

  • Nimo@lemmy.worldOP
    6 months ago

    I have sadly finished it today and my what a ride! I enjoyed it from the first to the last page. Gripping blend of science fiction, horror, and psychological thriller which I just simply could not put down. For me Lumley shares the same pedestal as Lovecraft. There was just one annoying feature and that was Lumley’s phrase ‘blind dog’ when referring to Suzi; the bitch is actually a guide dog; she would be a useless ‘pair of eyes’ if she was the former ;). The only other thing is: what happened to Thomas’s son, Heinrich (I think that was the son’s name)? I thought he survived the bomb blast but there was no mention of the child as the story developed - did I miss something?

    • southsamurai
      6 months ago

      Honestly, I don’t remember. It’s been a few years since the last reread I did. I vaguely remember him surviving being mentioned, and that’s about it.

      I’m with you, though. He does that genre defying, epic and deeply engaging kind of writing that’s on par with any of the greats.