Image transcription: a post from that says: “i never block anyone” is the social media equivalent of taking floor drugs

  • IndiBrony
    706 days ago

    I only ever block spam. I don’t block people with differing opinions to me because that’s not how I roll. On the flipside, I block lemmy communities all the time - logic being that I’d rather sort by new and remove communities I have no interest in because you never know when something interesting you’re not subscribed to can come up in your feed.

    Easiest example being: I’ve never seriously watched Star Trek or considered installing Linux, but you bunch of cunts have convinced me into transitioning. I’m not quite at the stage of programmer socks, but I’m sure y’all will force my hand eventually… ❤

      • IndiBrony
        116 days ago

        I’ll be honest, I’m holding off only to do more research into what version of Linux I want installed and - more importantly - how to install it without fucking everything up.

        I’ve never dual booted, but I think that’s the most likely solution for me right now so I can get used to it.

        Since getting a Steam Deck, I think what I want is essentially a desktop that is very similar to the Deck. All I really use a desktop for nowadays is Steam and Firefox.

        I’ve seen Pop!OS being mentioned in several articles I’ve read, along with Mint and Bazzite. I’ve heard of Ubuntu, of course - I think that’s one of the more well known distros.

        The whole thing can be overwhelming when you’re not used to it. I had the same issue when originally joining Lemmy!

        • Lemongrab
          96 days ago

          The steam deck uses the desktop environment called KDE Plasma if I remember correctly. I recommend using the Fedora KDE spin since, right after Debian, most apps will support Fedora. It is user friendly, feature rich, stable, secure (with massive community and corporate backing for timely Security updates), and simple.

          Dual booting is a smart decision. If you opt to dual-boot, I recommend encrypting your system through the built-in OS installer. This stops Windows (or malicious software) from spying on your new install. It is also just a good idea in general.

          Pop!OS doesn’t yet support Wayland, which supersedes the old and slow X11 with better security (on X11, any app can capture what you type, their is no isolation).

          Bazzite seems neat but I wouldn’t go for a gaming focused distros in my experience.

          Canonical, Ubuntu’s parent company, is trying hard to create a closed ecosystem. Even though Ubuntu is Debian based, they are making it hard to install native applications, instead enforcing the use of Snap, which uses a closed-source backend to provide the app repository. Snaps are also slower than native or Flatpak apps.

          If you need any help, explanations, suggestions, or other thoughts about Linux, I am willing to help best I can or point you in the right direction. Ive installed linux maybe 50+ times on most of the major families of distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, openSUSE, Arch Linux, and some others), and have personally used many distributions that are derivative of these. I’m not like crazy experienced, just familiar (with a focus on Security).

          • Norah - She/They
            26 days ago

            There’s always Bazzite’s vanilla KDE cousin, Aurora: It is essentially the Fedora KDE spin with way better hardware support and QoL features.

            But Bazzite isn’t really a distro in it’s own right anyway, it’s an unofficial Fedora spin that gets updates pretty much immediately (<24hrs) from upstream. It kind of “solves” a lot of the issues with most gaming distros.

            I’d highly recommend both to new users as well, as they are immutable (like the Fedora Atomic Desktops) and make it a lot harder to completely mess up your install while you’re still learning.

        • @[email protected]
          25 days ago

          If you want to dual boot I suggest getting a second hard drive (a little SSD maybe) and installing Linux on that. Then you can select what OS to boot through the BIOS

          It’ll be way easier and less risky than trying to install Linux alongside windows on the same hard drive, and it’ll also stop windows from screwing with the bootloader when it updates.

    • @[email protected]
      55 days ago

      what about toxic idiots whose every comment is downvoted to oblivion and they make you want to stop even looking at comments anymore

      • IndiBrony
        15 days ago

        If the point is to deliberately not contribute then yeah, fair enough, but through my experience of Lemmy so far I haven’t really experienced many of those.

  • @[email protected]
    115 days ago

    I instance blocked because of mods deleting my comments. I don’t want to accidentally get involved in discussions and spend time writing comments for them to just be deleted because the mods don’t agree with me.

      • @[email protected]
        5 days ago

        I think mods/admins often wipe entire comment histories in the community/instance when they remove specific comments. Say something about Taiwan and boom, your comments talking about toilet paper patents are gone

        Don’t quote me on that though

  • capital
    115 days ago

    Yeah I don’t want to just see content from people I agree with. Guess I’m crazy.

    • @[email protected]
      85 days ago

      Yep. The only time I block someone is if they are actually being a dick specifically to me, my family, or my friends.

    • @[email protected]
      65 days ago

      I wouldn’t say that. But I do think 90% of society probably isn’t worth interacting with through the medium of current social media.

  • @[email protected]
    257 days ago

    I’ll start blocking people when it stops people from responding to my posts, Reddit style.

    I don’t have the patience to deal with people using my posts as a jumping-off point for ignorant shite without being called out on it.

    • @[email protected]OP
      157 days ago

      Yeah, I do feel lemmy leaves something to be desired with blocking. I like Bluesky’s system, where it stops them from interacting with you and also breaks any posts of theirs that were quote tweeting (quote posting?) your posts.

    • @[email protected]
      55 days ago

      The problem with that style of blocking is that it goes both ways.

      Someone can post ignorant shite and block anyone who would give them pushback, then when other people look at the comments they think “wow I guess everyone here just agrees with this”.

      I guess I’ve always viewed making a post as standing on a street corner and shouting, not meeting on the side of a street with a group of your friends.

      I guess it depends on if you view “subreddits” as communities, that is groups of people that you choose to associate with if you post there, or if you view them as topics that you want your post tagged as. A lot of social media sites take the latter approach, but reddit used to take the former, as did old style forums. It might just be from me spending more time on those kinds of platforms, but I do think the “community” approach is better.

      • @[email protected]
        56 days ago

        My stance on floor drugs is akin to Angel Dust off Hazbin Hotel: “You think I can’t tell my drink is being spiked? Its what I come here for!!”

        • @[email protected]
          35 days ago

          Hahaha I really need to check that out. That’s also my mood. My friend was once like “You haven’t been drinking, right? Want to try GHB?” and I’m like “nope and I would LOVE TO!”

          • @[email protected]
            35 days ago

            I haven’t done drugs in literal decades and have a very loose relationship with the 5-second rule, so the idea of having a problem with floor drugs, specifically, amuses me greatly.

  • @[email protected]
    176 days ago

    The only things I block are legit spam, and hexbear. And the only reason I block hexbear is because I’m banned from their instance and can’t interact with it anyway.

    • @[email protected]
      46 days ago

      Even if you’re not banned from hexbear can you really interact with it?

      I wouldn’t call someone going through the wikipedia article for informal fallacies like it’s a checklist then brigading all your past activities an interaction so much as an experience, and not a good one at that.

  • Orbituary
    176 days ago

    My blocklist is insanely long. All sports, all furry shit, people from both, anime blocks all day - can’t stand the stupid mains/moe stuff.

    • @[email protected]
      6 days ago

      Holy shit the number of blocks needed to cut out the communities of “questionable Japanese cartoons about characters that look suspiciously like young kids” is fucking insane

      Try mentioning it without some neckbeard snorting about PrOJeCTinG lol

      Would be good to have some kind of script that could do it

      • Orbituary
        16 days ago

        Yeah, it took me a while. Now it’s just minor maintenance. Such is lemmy.

  • @mindbleach
    65 days ago

    Reddit’s short list of good decisions definitely includes “disable replies.”

      • @mindbleach
        35 days ago

        Strong disagree. Voting is preliminary moderation. It’s the wisdom of crowds. The fact Lemmy does nothing to hide comments at +1 -48 is fucking horrifying… especially when mods don’t just delete that shit, despite demanding all responses to it be “civil.” As if gentle and polite replies are appropriate in the face of plainly intolerable horseshit.

        • yeh but as a user, votes r unnecessary info that just makes u worry about fake internet points instead of just focusing on the post or comment itself, they make u compare posts and comments by their votes and often affect how u react to something when what matters is the content and replies in them

      • @[email protected]
        6 days ago

        you know how you’re not supposed to eat food after it’s fallen on the floor?

        imagine that but with whatever pills people leave on the ground without even knowing what they are

        (I’m assuming, I don’t do drugs)

        • @[email protected]
          15 days ago

          Drugs are worth trying. Just take long enough breaks or quit altogether after a few times. And maybe don’t try all the drugs. Does it cost teeth? Don’t try that one.