• @[email protected]
    555 days ago

    I’m glad one of the eternal spectres of death was female-coded so we know it’s not a gay romance between two personifications of the grave.

    • @[email protected]
      4 days ago

      I’m getting a bit tired of seeing boobs nonsensically attached to concepts/objects. It’s not like female coding characters is a sin per se, but I often find that the material would lose nothing in its absence. Like now—there’s an entire panel dedicated to showing their love. So why bother?

      So yeah, I dislike it and also think it’s unnecessarily.

      That said, if by “so we know it’s not a gay romance” you mean that to be the artist’s intent, I don’t see why that must be the case. Without looking into them, it seems just as likely that they could’ve simply not thought about it at all. Maybe they’re straight and just drew that. While it wouldn’t be LGBT+ inclusive, it needn’t necessarily be “so that people don’t think it’s gay.”

      Hope I didn’t wildly misread or overanalyze your comment. You’re clearly not glad, but I can’t tell if you’re adding the last part for the sake of humor, or if you were bothered by what you believed to be a possible LGBT+ exclusionary depiction of romance.

      • @[email protected]
        44 days ago

        Heh, your reaction is totally valid, I had the same thoughts when I was looking at the comic. I added “so people don’t think it’s gay” just to be funny, I don’t know anything about the artist. I was mainly drawing attention to the fact that–as you just said–nobody has to do this. We get the joke without the tits.

      • @festnt
        14 days ago

        death is female in brazil too, both the noun and personification. i just looked up and death’s personification is represented as female in basically all romance and slavic languages. i say basically because i dont care enough to go find exceptions :]

    • @festnt
      24 days ago

      would that be a reverse dab since its pointing down and not up?