• Tyrangle@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I feel like this was written by someone who didn’t watch the debate. No one’s expecting a change in ticket to go well - the argument is over whether or not it’s necessary. This isn’t a “skeletons in the closet” sort of situation - there’s no amount of damage control that can fix this if it’s real. The media always frenzies when they smell blood in the water, and campaigns respond by stopping the bleeding or giving them something bigger to go after. Trump is wisely keeping quiet, and Biden so far seems unable to make this go away.

    • ArbitraryValue
      3 months ago

      The debate was simply the moment that Democrats admitted to each other that the emperor has no clothes, but even before the debate everyone already knew that a president who would turn 86 in office was almost certainly not capable of carrying out all the duties of that office. So now that people have started saying it, they’re not going to stop, and that’s a good thing if it gets a candidate likely to lose in November off of the ballot.

      IMO the best case scenario would have been Biden withdrawing graciously and naming Harris as his successor in order to avoid a fight at the Democratic convention, but Biden clearly doesn’t think so, and so my guess is that neither keeping him nor forcing him out are likely to lead to victory.