I know this because I use SimpleLogin to provide each service with its own specialized email address. You can see in the picture the address starts with bixi@sl.***

It’s also possible but unlikely that they sold user data.

  • Pasta Dental
    3 months ago

    haha ouais j’ai eu le même email tantot, j’utilise aussi mon nom de domaine mais j’étais pas sur si c’était un pur hasard comme j’utilise un catch-all. Merci d’avoir confirmé!

    ça serait vraiment pratique d’avoir un système de signature automatique avec SimpleLogin avec protonmail comme proposé dans ce blog: https://kevincox.ca/2022/07/07/signed-email-addresses/ comme ça, seul le courriel avec la signature unique peut recevoir des messages, et des messages perdus par des bots qui tentent des noms de domaines au hasard qui pourraient avoir un catch-all se font automatiquement rejeter.

    update: simplelogin fait quelquechose presque comme j’aimerais, mais c’est pas aussi bien intégré que j’aimerais

    • brbposting
      3 months ago

      Haha yeah I got the same tantot email, I also use my domain name but I wasn’t sure if it was a pure chance like I use a catch-all. Thank you for confirming!

      It would be really convenient to have an automatic signature system with SimpleLogin with protonmail as proposed in this blog: https://kevincox.ca/2022/07/07/signed-email-addresses/ like that, only the email with the single signature can receive messages, and messages lost by bots that try random domain names that could have a catch-all are automatically rejected.

      Update: simplelogin does something almost as I would like, but it’s not as well integrated as I would like

      Apple’s native translation Edit: for those browsing by All, didn’t see the community at first :)