• @[email protected]
    532 months ago

    (reminder don’t take dietary advice from internet strangers)

    Here’s my fact based advice: on average, people that eat food sometimes live longer than people that do not eat food. You should sometimes eat food.

    Ignore my advice at your own peril.

    • @[email protected]OP
      212 months ago

      I did some research and this one is backed up by actual medical science, folks…

      Ancel Keys’ seminal study on starvation demonstrated the severe health consequences and decreased life expectancy associated with prolonged lack of food intake (Keys et al., 1950).

      So at the very least I would err on the side of eating some food, sometimes, rather than no food, never, until you talk to your doctor or nutritionist. :)

    • @[email protected]
      32 months ago

      On the one hand, there’s a strong correlation between eating food and dying ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      The joke is people will mention the latter at any chance they get even if it doesn’t fit.

      So the format is:

      [Important discussion]

      [Unexpectedly simple response]

      [Some guy interjects with thing he always talks about]

      But the most important detail is I personally have a fast metabolism, I can eat as much as I want and not gain weight for whatever reason lol.

      • wander1236
        372 months ago

        Is this the new “I use arch btw” which was the new “I’m vegan”?

      • DaGeek247
        72 months ago

        Oh that’s not what i got from that at all. I thought there was an implied fourth sentence where society beats the shit out of metabolism guy in jealousy, but they left tran people alone because that’s not actually a big deal.

      • @can
        612 months ago

        What a helpful response!

        Gee, I’m sure glad I came to the comments to quell my confusion.

          • @kakes
            272 months ago

            Do people really talk about their metabolism that much? Or are some people just so self-conscious about their weight and eating habits that they place particular weight on those comments such that they appear to be more frequent than they actually are?

            • @[email protected]
              152 months ago

              I got a lot of comments about my weight and eating habits when I was young, so ‘fast metabolism’ was an easy way out of the conversation even if it wasn’t true.

            • @can
              92 months ago

              Or did some people’s parents unconsciously internalize it in them as a child? Or am I projecting?

          • @can
            2 months ago

            I feel like that’s a loaded term but I do know people who are going to have a rough awakening when they get older. (i.e. they won’t be able to eat like they used to without feeling/seeing it).

  • @[email protected]
    392 months ago

    (reminder don’t take dietary advice from internet strangers)

    Don’t eat breakfast or lunch. Just eat snacks and dinner. Gorge yourself like a snake. Eat a whole loaf of bread and call it your daily ration. Be ungovernable.

  • @[email protected]
    362 months ago

    I might be wrong and I’ll be gladly proven wrong with a study, but every time someone says I have a fast metabolism just because I just ate a huge ass pizza right before their eyes, hurts my soul. Everyone that has tolled me this so far has a drastically different lifestyle from me. I don’t eat that much most of the time, I often just get a salad or tuna sandwich. I also move my body a lot more, unless I absolutely have to use transit, I WALK. These people always cringe when I tell them I parked the car more than 5 mins of walking away and fucking refuse to walk to it with me.

    • @[email protected]
      152 months ago

      I don’t understand the post, but I have a “fast metabolism” according to my team of gastroenterologists trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. Normal people apparently don’t take a huge dump 8 hours after a colonosopy. Food isn’t supposed to be processed that fast, and it’s incredibly difficult for me to gain weight just by eating, I couldn’t eat that much if I tried. Weight training and lots of supplemental protein is the only way for me.

      • @[email protected]OP
        82 months ago

        Thank you for sharing. :)

        This is why I always find myself putting disclaimers on any diet related post now because so many people jump in with oversimplified misinformation like “fast metabolism is disproven.”

    • @[email protected]OP
      2 months ago

      No, misinformation. While it’s more complex than a sliding scale, rates of metabolism do differ between individuals and are definitely not disproven or insignificant.

      While lifestyle and diet are key considerations to health and weight management, it’s important not to dismiss differences in metabolic rates in affecting the body as you do here.

      Source: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/body/21893-metabolism

      • @[email protected]
        112 months ago

        The effects are not significant. They barely make a dent in what you can eat. Thyroid and other illnesses impacts appetite though.

        • @[email protected]OP
          2 months ago

          This is getting closer to the correct nuance. Per Cleveland Clinic:

          Someone with a fast metabolism or fast BMR burns a lot of calories even while at rest. If you have a slow metabolism or slow BMR, your body needs fewer calories to keep it going.

          A fast metabolism does not necessarily lead to thinness. In fact, studies show that people with overweight/obesity often have fast metabolisms. Their bodies need more energy to keep basic body functions going.

          It would be also good to add that thyroid disorders may lead to weight gain by means of metabolism change according to this source as well—it’s not just a matter of appetite.

          Like 99.9999% of health, nuance is important and blanket statements like “fast metabolism has been disproven” are just… unhelpful.

          • @[email protected]
            82 months ago


            “In humans, the coefficient of variation in the components of total daily energy expenditure is around 5-8% for resting metabolic rate.”

            That is nothing. That means the most extreme examples of this would be 200-300kcal. It’s often just used as an excuse for a bad diet. And people believing in this myth is hindering them in making informed decisions.

            • @[email protected]OP
              2 months ago

              5-8% is not nothing and it’s crazy that you would say that. (for reference, 200kcal is half of a nutrisystem frozen meal or an entire icecream sandwich.)

              i encourage you to advocate for informed lifestyle choices, but if you mean that the coefficient of variation is 5-8% for resting metabolic rate, just say that, and don’t just open with “it isn’t even a thing in reality.”

              • @[email protected]
                42 months ago

                In my personal experience people judge it to be more like 25-100%. But I stand by 200kcal being nothing. It’s not a make it or break it kind of difference. 200kcal more doesn’t make someone obese or even fat. If you over eat by 200kcal a day it will take a long time to get fat and you will have years to intervene with a slight change that will fix it. And that would only be in the most extreme case. For most people we are talking about much less than 200kcal. If you have actually only a differnce of let’s say 50kcal from the median and cite that as a reason for being over or underweight it’s just wrong. But I have seen people use it as a reason so many times.

  • @[email protected]
    212 months ago

    Its just fucken crazy dude. Like my ass is made completely of fucken bone. I’m at the point where I wanna carry my own ass cushion around.

    • Rose Thorne(She/Her)
      132 months ago

      That episode of King of the Hill where Hank got the silicone pads to put in his pants has lived in my mind since I first saw it. I have been sorely tempted.

      The moment someone said “You might develop an ass on HRT”, I was ready. The concept of having something back there besides the pointy bits of my pelvis sounds absolutely delightful. Then I’d just need something over the pair of daggers I call hips.

    • @[email protected]OP
      62 months ago

      that’s a valid choice to make for which i would support you should you choose to go down that road !

    • @[email protected]
      42 months ago

      I thought I had 0 ass for years. Just like you, nothing but bone. Pants always sliding right off me because I had nothing to hold them in place. Turns out, I actually just developed Posterior Pelvic Tilt from all the compensating I did for my bad ankles without realizing it. Also that apparently I have a really high waist and wide hips for a AMAB person and I’ve basically been wearing my pants way too low all this time.

    • @[email protected]OP
      82 months ago

      generally, just don’t make fun of people for what they can’t control.

      this post just makes fun of those who talk about it a lot, which is within their control. i don’t judge or make fun of these people for their bodies at all.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      i agree, you shouldn’t do it. i used to be like that & people would constantly comment on it. it caused me body image issues & a weird relationship with food that i’m still having to deal with, 20 years later.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        I’m very sorry for that. I see how my comment might come across as making fun of you. That wasn’t my intention. I will delete it.

  • @[email protected]
    22 months ago

    I always wonder how this is supposed to work, do these people just have food pass right through them and cause massive headaches for sewer system engineers? Or do they passively burn so much energy that they illuminate a dark room from sheer blackbody radiation?

    • @[email protected]OP
      12 months ago

      Closer to the latter, I think. However, it’s not as striking as the person glowing—the energy does become heat, but the variation due to metabolic differences typically ranges from a small percentage to around 5-10% of total calories consumed.