Colorado's carpetbagging firebrand Rep. Lauren Boebert was busted on Mother's Day speeding nearly 20 mph over the speed limit in the Rocky Mountains, then failed to pay a $174 ticket on time.That's according to Westword, which reported Thursday that Boebert received the ticket May 12 but didn't pay ...
I think there’s something about 20+ over you lose your license, so I bet the cop was cutting her a little slack by reducing it to be under that limit
+25 over is considered reckless driving in most states and can get you an insta-trip to jail.
There’s a VERY non-zero chance that Boe was caught going much much faster and the cop reduced it.
Weird how I get flashbacks from that Harvey Keitel movie where he plays a crooked detective that gets a blowjob during a traffic stop.