• Varyk
    9 months ago

    Many people have watched the two five second clips and are ignoring his performance over the first term.

    You listed the debate twice, I assume once for each clip since all of those arguments are irrelevant.

    Biden has been an active and progressive president and despite funny five-second clips, tgere’s every reason to reelect for Biden.

    Debates shouldn’t have anyone panicking, debates are clown shows for the masses that have nothing to do with the administration of the presidency.

    And it’s insane that you’re talking about polls after the last 8 years.

    Biden should be re-elected because of his solid policies on student debt, civil rights, sustainable technology and critical infrastructure

    • qevlarr@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      I’m a politics junkie, don’t throw me in with the general public. I watched the entire thing. I’ll watch commentary and listen to podcasts about politics at least two hours a day, every day.

      But what he’s done is not the point. I’m talking about his chances in November and they are not hopeful.

      The debate was a disaster not because he fumbled his words a bit. It is because for years Trump has been calling Biden this weak old senile man, Sleepy Joe, etcetera, and everyone on the Democratic side was able to pass it off as Trump exaggeration and trolling.

      But in the debate, suddenly there was no denying it. Biden is losing it. Now those Trump jabs actually hurt because we know there’s a truth to it. The whole world watched as Biden was asked a question on abortion (which should be central in his campaign, a sure winner after Roe v Wade was killed) and shot himself in the foot turning it into a story about illegal immigrants coming in and raping young women.

      How do you fuck up like that. And how do you recover. I don’t want Biden to give it his best shot, I want him to halt this slide into fascism and he’s failing at it

      • Varyk
        9 months ago

        “what he’s done is not the point”

        Yes, it is the point. The very fact you don’t understand that is the problem

        Biden is an old man and fumbled his words, it has no bearing on the legislation he’s produced during his first term at a rapid pace for progressive policies.

        His consistently progressive presidential policies and tangible results are what matters

        • qevlarr@lemmy.world
          9 months ago

          If he loses November he can’t deliver any of those tangible results. Of course policy matters, but getting elected is important too.

          Elections are won on getting people to turn up and vote for you, simple as. If independents stay home because they can’t bring themselves to vote for an 81 year old showing signs of dementia, he’s gonna lose.

          • Varyk
            9 months ago

            Independents are independents because they care about the issues, they’re not going to be as confused as many are by discerning YouTube clips vs. active achieved Biden legislation.

            Biden has consistently proved himself by achieving legislation Americans care about.

            What you’re talking about are party voters who watch 5 second clips on YouTube and believe conglomerate groupthink headlines.

            By and large, they are going to vote for the party they’ve adhered to.

            • qevlarr@lemmy.world
              9 months ago

              Stop telling other voters what they should consider important. There are many people out there who will base their vote on what they see in the news, whether you like it or not. It sucks that Trump gets a pass from his base for things that Biden’s base won’t accept from him. It sucks that Biden is not as charismatic (anymore, if you thought him charismatic before) as Trump is to his base. It sucks that millions and millions of voters don’t know shit about policy and base their vote off of 5 second clips on repeat at Fox News. It sucks that both candidates are record settingly old, but only Biden gets flak for it.

              But that’s how it is. You can’t tell people who to vote for or what’s important.

              Welcome to politics, bud.

              • Varyk
                9 months ago

                “Stop telling other voters what they should consider important”

                You’re trying to tell people right now that what’s important in a president is image instead of achieved and stated policy.

                That is incorrect.

                Throw all the tantrums you want, but people are going to vote how they want to vote, not how you personally want them to vote.

                Let them make that decision on substance rather than confetti.

                Biden has achieved great results for civil rights, critical infrastructure, green, sustainable technology, climate change in general, student debt, immigration, and the list goes on.

                If you personally want to focus on YouTube clips, that’s your jam.

                But everyone who is still making up their mind should be looking at policy, because that’s what matters when you elect a president.

                Voters should be basing their votes on the best candidates to achieve their desired legislative policies.

                If you are left-leaning, Biden has achieved a laudable, astonishing amount of progressive legislation in his first term.

                • qevlarr@lemmy.world
                  9 months ago

                  I’m literally not. I’m describing to you that voters can be like that, and you keep repeating those voters are wrong and they “should” base their vote on policy instead. I’m not “personally focused” on YouTube clips, just telling you many voters can’t ignore those public appearances where Biden comes off as incredibly old - which he is! - and that the debate was such a disaster because it made it impossible to shrug off Trump’s main attack line against Biden any longer. Keep telling voters they’re wrong voting the way they do and you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. And setting the country on the road to fascism again.

                  If Trump wins, I’m blaming the Democratic Party establishment for their complacency, their gerontocracy, wasting the youth vote potential by supporting Israeli atrocities, and not following through on increasing the minimum wage if you want to focus on policy. Policy isn’t everything. We all know most of Biden’s policies are popular, but if they can’t convert that into votes, they’re still going to lose. This time, they can’t say they didn’t see it coming.

                  I’m kinda done now, it’s like talking to a brick wall. Biden is polling terribly and blaming voters they should look at policy and overlook Biden’s mental decline isn’t going to change that.

                  • Varyk
                    9 months ago

                    If trump wins, you should be looking in the mirror for trying to convince people that fanfare and imagery is what they should be voting on rather than a good president.

                    One old guy, whose age has not stopped him achieving landmark progressive legislation for 4 years straight as president, being about 3 years older than the other old guy, is an impractical and irrelevant concern to the administration of the presidency and to this election.

                    You are arguing that we should focus on YouTube clips and public displays instead of policy and achievement.

                    You’re blaming other voters for your anxieties. Those are your issues.

                    Your irrelevant name calling and ignoring the actual candidacy in favor of irrelevant headlines is what’s helping your maga friends, not a good President determined to be reelected who’s been working fine for 4 years.

                    You can write biden a letter asking him to practice his somersaults, but that is as irrelevant to him continuing to be a good president as your other complaints.

                    This is an election. It doesn’t matter how much you stamp your feet about your own anxieties, people get to vote for who they want to vote for and whoever you want will win or lose according to the results.

                    Let the voters decide who they want to vote for based on substance, not your confetti.

    • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
      9 months ago

      See the talk he gave to the press after the shooting. It’s like 3 minutes long. It’s undeniable that his cognitive capabilities are on a sharp decline. He’s equally unfit for the presidency as Trump is.

      • Varyk
        9 months ago

        I’m fine with an old person sounding like an old person as long as the work they do is solid.

        Biden is equally mentally old as Trump, which is immaterial to biden being fit for office in this election and obvious from his first term.

        Biden has been a great president who enacted consistent progressive policies, while Trump consistently hurt hundreds of millions of people and damaged the US.

        Biden is certainly fit to be president again, and Harris can take over during the second term if anything happens.