Seeing the liberty hub head mod get chased out because of an honest mistake is pretty fucking disheartening. Liberty hub was one of the only places that was free of the reddit brainworms that infest almost every lemmy instance because of liberty hub’s aggressive modding.

All of the people celebrating him being chased out have been banned from liberty hub for very valid reasons, whether they were very argumentative or genocide apologists. Seriously. Look up the modlog of the people actually celebrating it.

I could put up with 196’s bullshit by just blocking them and hoping none of their frequent posters wandered into spaces i took part in but the fact that non-voters is still allowed to run when it’s very clearly just meant to be a place to post content that’s incendiary towards people who hold political beliefs that don’t line up with mindgoblin’s as a reaction to mindgoblin being banned from liberty hub for being incredibly argumentative is honestly pretty gross.

I’m just gonna pass mod of the comms i manage to someone i can sorta hope to handle it.

I’m too fucking old and not terminally online enough to put up with this, i’m clearly not the target demographic. Good fucking luck

  • Ada
    2 months ago

    I’m sorry you feel that way. I’d like to take the chance to explain a little bit.

    I’ve had multiple requests to ban LibertyHub from people who see strong left opinions as being trolls or inauthentic. I’ve refused every time, because I’m not going to remove queer folk from a queer space for genuinely held beliefs over politics that directly impact them.

    The same goes for non voters. There are left wing folk who think that voting for a president that encourages genocide is the best option in the limited options available, and they think that pushing back against this president will lead to more harm than encouraging people to support him, and so, they have strong reactions to people who disagree.

    Yes, the non voters community was a direct response to liberty hub, because of these two political positions. But it too, is a community run by queer folk, with genuinely held beliefs, and the space is allowed to exist only as long as it does not target specific lemmy users or communities. They can push back against political ideals they disagree with, not against the users or communities professing those ideals. Hexbear has a similar community that doesn’t have this limitation, and explicitly dunks on people, not just political ideals, and that was something I wanted to avoid here.

    My options are

    1. Ban politics. This is unrealistic, and unhelpful, given how much politics is impacting our community at the moment

    2. Enforce a particular political perspective. If I were to choose to moderate in line with my own political perspectives (which are closer to libertyhub than 196 or non voters), it would split the community even further, and fragment queer and gender diverse community on lemmy in to spaces that don’t prioritise their needs. I won’t have that. We’re dealing with enough shit already.

    3. Allow both groups to exist, and deal with the tension that comes from it. This is the only option that keeps the community in one piece, and able to talk about topics that are directly impacting our lives at the moment. It’s also the option that creates the greatest amount of tension from day to day, but unfortunately, I don’t have a solution for that.

      • @[email protected]OP
        132 months ago

        You believe marxist leninists are moderates, and that socdems are the only real communists calling for revolution.

        Either your politics are incomprehensible as a base or you are a fed running an op on leftist spaces.

        Nothing you say is to be trusted with how hard you are trying to agitate this space.

      • @Socsa
        2 months ago

        It’s shocking that people don’t see these users as the very obvious trolls they are. People like LoC (and several other usual suspects) literally contribute nothing to any community besides agitation. If you really need a “line” that’s where it is. This “radical tolerance” for obvious propaganda and information warfare is honestly disgusting, and compromise safe spaces far more than it preserves them.

          • zea
            142 months ago

            False, you’re extrapolating that he’ll not vote or vote for Trump based on what he says about Biden, which is completely fallacious reasoning.

          • @[email protected]
            102 months ago

            I frequent LibertyHub and LinkOpensChest didn’t convince me of shit. I’m a whole person with very strongly held and well developed political beliefs. Just because you don’t agree with those beliefs doesn’t mean I’m a brainwashed slave resolved to stripping your rights and installing a fascist dictator.

      • AdaM
        62 months ago

        I’ve edited the post.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Honestly Maga believes principles are more important than lives, and until Biden withdrew today, they were winning.

        The truth is politics has become so hideously compromised that almost nobody is a “great” candidate anymore, nobody is inspiring. Watching everyone close ranks against Sanders last election solidified that.

        I disagree with being characterised as a moderate

        You might disagree. But disagreeing doesn’t make it true. E.g Pelosi swears she’s progressive, but that’s not true

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Hey, reading through this thread alone and the drama it surround and I just wanted to say

      Thank You.

      It’s clear you put a lot of time, thought and effort into moderating this instance and that you have to put up with a lot of trying things. It doesn’t seem easy and I think you’re doing a great job.

      I just wanted to make sure it isn’t literally thankless.

      • @[email protected]
        162 months ago

        For real. Ada’s always the most level headed person in the room. Exactly what we need in an admin.

        Thanks Ada. I’m sorry this place seems to be constantly surrounded by drama.

    • Queue
      142 months ago

      If it helps, Good Girl has before said she’d leave for Hexbear months ago. Clearly she didn’t.

        • Queue
          142 months ago

          She always has (to my understanding), but she said she’d stop using her blahaj and only use Hexbear due to how Blahaj was ignoring issues she felt was more important. I don’t get how Hexbear is better for her, when I’ve had Stalinists say queers aren’t considered for workers’ rule, or other such things Marx himself would find odd.

    • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
      72 months ago

      Hold up, I think I’m confused about some things. I swear I’ve seen stuff either directly saying “just don’t vote” or at least implying it from LibertyHub and LinkOpensChest, but I’m seeing a bunch of people saying the opposite. Am I misunderstanding something?

      • @[email protected]
        202 months ago

        Criticizing Biden is not the same as advocating against voting. This position is something that LOC has had to defend himself on many times, and one that many don’t seem to grasp. If I’m not mistaken, LOC at one point even said he’d vote for Biden when the time came. I don’t think any person should have to broadcast their voting plans explicitly to avoid being the target of controversy, but here we are.

        It takes a nuanced position to criticize the current establishment for being (at best) complicit in genocide while still recognizing the very real danger of fascism. Many people just see the memes bashing Biden and assume no nuance behind it.

      • zea
        92 months ago

        There’s a lot of hating on Biden for the things he’s done, but, as a member of the community, I don’t often see the sentiment that we shouldn’t vote for him. And that’s mostly in comments anyway. If I had to guess, the general view is “I’m going to vote for Biden and hate doing it”.

        • NoIWontPickAName
          142 months ago

          Biden sucks ass and is directly supporting the genocidal actions of Israel. He is a bad person.

          That said, he finally helped Ukraine out again so I guess my only option is to support him since every candidate seems to be fine with gazan kids dying.

  • Mossy Feathers (They/Them)
    622 months ago

    I didn’t like liberty hub or linkopenschest’s politics (my experience with him was him advocating non-voting, but I could have misunderstood what he was trying to say), but what the fuck? Of all the reasons to get outed, this ain’t it chief. Like, this is the person who started this all:

    This person?


    They’re basically advocating to gatekeep the LGBT community because, if I understand their argument, they’re saying that LGBT people who aren’t politically active don’t deserve to be part of the community, and that all LGBT gathering places should be political gatherings because being LGBT is political. Motherfucker being LGBT is just something you are. You don’t decide to be LGBT. You didn’t ask to be born in a world where everyone wants to shit on you. It’s entirely reasonable for LGBT people to want places where they can just be themselves and not have to wear their war face.

    Furthermore, they accused someone of committing an act of violence toward them for disagreeing with them. Disagreeing with you is not a violent act. You claim you want politics? Well there’s your politics. If you don’t like it, don’t ask for it.

    Fucking seriously?

    What is going on?

    • @[email protected]
      382 months ago

      Chased out of town by Someone that writes medium posts analyzing Rick and Morty 😂 Is lemmy going to outreddit reddit?

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        I’m not going to invalidate Grail’s experience with Their gender. Outside of western culture, there is actually some history of gender diverse folks being culturally elevated to, or at least associated with, divinity. Grail’s gender identity isn’t on trial here. Let’s not devolve the conversation to exclusionary language about a person’s identity. This isn’t about whether goddessgender is a queer or trans identity or whether we should respect Their desires when addressing Them.

        It’s about Grail being an inflammatory troll.

        • @mindbleach
          132 months ago

          The mechanism for their trolling is phrasing absurd demands in the language of gender identity. Might as well have said ‘I identify as better than you and you must address me as Your Majesty.’

          Royalty is not a gender. But at least royalty exists, unlike the supernatural. Excluding that bullshit from the dead-serious human rights issue of gender identity is this conversation. What is the practical difference between insisting you’re a god and insisting you’re an attack helicopter? Neither should be taken seriously, specifically because all people deserve to be treated as human.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Ableist slur AND denying that the goddessgender person is the gender They identity as AND misgendering a trans person. Cruising for a ban, are we?

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    This whole thing has been very draining…

    If LOC.wav sees this, I hope you’re taking some time for yourself, this has to have been absurdly stressful.

  • @[email protected]
    182 months ago

    I’m incredibly disappointed that the mods have prioritized someone who doesn’t seem to have talked much in our communities over the actual users here on blahaj. I don’t feel very safe here anymore either.

  • @[email protected]
    132 months ago

    Personally I never participated in Liberty hub because it felt very toxic, if well moderated. Wasn’t for me. I am sorry that you all have lost this space you valued though.

    • zea
      242 months ago

      Can’t you see you’re making bold assumptions about what other people mean now that you feel like they’re on the opposite “side”?

      When did this user say they’re abstaining? Why did you infer that?

    • southsamurai
      2 months ago

      Libertyhub is/was a fairly far left community on this instance (blahaj, not the one I’m using). Not sure how long it will last now, but it still exists under a different moderator.

      By far left, I mean the global use of the term, where it tends to be pretty hard core focused on socialism, anarchism, and similar ideologies. Here in the US, far left is much closer to what other counties would call moderate (at the most generous) in comparison. Also, liberal here in the US doesn’t mean the same thing as most of the rest of the world, which is useful to know if you’re dealing with the term in leftist spaces.

      • Smorty [she/her]
        52 months ago

        So they are leftists (who would be considered moderate leftists in Europe for example) who spread brainworms on 196? How does that fit together?

        • southsamurai
          42 months ago

          No clue, don’t use 196, so I don’t have a frame of reference to use.

        • @[email protected]
          222 months ago

          This word has lost all meaning if you’re applying it to LibertyHub. The rules (until the new head mod “simplified and clarified” them very recently) explicitly called out Maoist apologia as being against the community guidelines.

          • @[email protected]
            102 months ago

            just wanted to thank you a ton for bringing this up. extremely glad someone else already created a new community, fingies crossed it’s going to be alright.

        • southsamurai
          62 months ago

          Not necessarily. I’m not a regular user of the C/, but it wasn’t a tankie C/ by default, and wasn’t plagued by them

    • @[email protected]
      112 months ago

      LibertyHub is an anarchist space with very heavy handed moderation and specific rules intended to promote discussion without the need to explain basic concepts of anarchism constantly. Posting neoliberal or imperialist appologetic viewpoints would get you banned on LibertyHub, so lots of people have stayed mad at their (until very recently) head mod.

  • @[email protected]
    42 months ago

    Honestly my reaction to the drama was extreme, I’m extremely stressed out due to other things going on in my life. LinkOpensChest was burnt out and left, I hope that I don’t ruin the community and because of that I have changed my plans to include no major changes.