No one can mention any real life examples of both theories and that is because they are fictional theories.

  • Socialism assume that companies could work with no centralized ownership which is impossible in real life, it’s like the believers of this theory ignore all the human psychology and assume the perfection in the world.

  • Anarcho-Capitalisim assume that it’s possible to live in 100% autonomous society while ignoring all the big issues(unfair laws, corruption in law and protection agencies, …etc)

  • southsamurai
    7 months ago

    Sorry mate, this is a pretty common opinion overall. Might merit unpopular on lemmy, but even the rather confrontational wording you used isn’t unknown on lemmy, and it’s far gentler than happens elsewhere.

    I don’t even disagree with you, though I don’t agree with the exact expression of it you gave. I would say that both systems are idealistic, and would require a lot more evolution of human thinking and even human nature before they could be implemented in the real world. And I say that as someone that leans socialist pretty hard.

    Where I would disagree hard is that they’re any less realistic than anything else currently used. Can’t be any worse than the oligarchies that are trying hard to take over everything; and as an economic system, socialism wouldn’t be any worse than capitalism for sure.