• Chozo
      352 months ago

      I agree, it’s super scummy. If you think somebody’s video is important enough that it should be shared and spread, then just post the original video.

      Also, a surefire way to ensure that PeerTube doesn’t succeed is by associating it as a viable freebooting platform. No content creator will want to put their material on such a platform. It hurts both the video creator and PeerTube. It also puts the Lemm.ee admins at risk for facilitating this thread, if the video creator were litigiously-minded.

        • @[email protected]
          21 month ago

          Hey! I’m not really sure about this at the moment. I can tell you that if the authors (or any legal entity) would contact me about this and ask for links to be removed, then I would comply, rather than try to fight it.

        • @[email protected]
          11 month ago

          When does people become company? I hear that argument a lot from people that pirate movies. But they always forget that there are thousands of people working directly or indirectly on a single movie.

          Piracy won’t change the content for the better. First, it’ll make content worse (which is already happening) and people get payed less before companies change their service. Piracy won’t help. Period.

          Find a better way to pay for movies directly and selectively, like phyiscal media. Don’t subscribe to ever worsening streaming services. Go to the cinema. That is how movies will get back to what they were in the past because that is what people did in the past.

          Same goes for every other medium. Piracy always sucks and all arguments you’re giving is just a justification.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          You just copy data, you know. They still have the thing

          Besides YouTube is google, should have picked better platform

          It’s in the name you know, COPYright. And who I am to refuse if someone would want to copy my copy

          • @[email protected]
            1 month ago

            What you’re saying is illogical. You can copy everything. Almost everything. You can copy software secrets, machine secrets, copy research and development. But where are we going to go if everyone started doing that? Anarchy? You’ll probably lose your job in such a world. I don’t know what you’re working but there is a high probability you would be affected. There is no moral ground for piracy. Piracy and theft has never produced anything good. It will only make things worse, believe me.

              • @[email protected]
                1 month ago

                This is an idealized world you imagine. It doesn’t exist and will never exist. Most non-profits are underfunded these days. Nobody wants to pay for stuff voluntarily if they don’t need to. In a world you idealize, any capitalist asshole will always win. So why would everyone else grant them that and offer stuff for donations while they won’t? It won’t work, it has never worked.

                Besides, I doubt that companies make suffiecient money from you. You probably spend way less with your method. You’re just trying to justify it by saying you only support the good. But what you actually do is make it more expensive for me who fairly and legally obtains the media. I’m paying for your piracy.

    • MeldrikOPM
      52 months ago

      3 reasons I uploaded the video to PeerTube:

      1. @DogPack404 had received a “cease and desist” at the time, thinking his video might be taken down.
      2. The video is not monetised.
      3. YouTube.

      I’ve changed the URL to YouTube now though.

  • Coelacanth
    612 months ago

    I always sort of assumed as much. For one, there is something about Mr Beast giving me bad vibes, I think he kind of gives off psychopath vibes. Maybe it’s the eyes. I’ve also heard people who have interacted with him talk about how he spends basically all his time thinking about attention economy and views and just… it doesn’t sound healthy.

    But also, yeah no shit he basically does reality TV on steroids. And reality TV has been fake ever since they first figured out it’s better TV than boring actual reality. So it tracks that his videos are also fake.

      • @[email protected]
        62 months ago

        Less the smile itself but that the eyes tell you it’s not a genuine, heartfelt smile. It just looks fake.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Honestly I feel like I see this smile a lot when you look at politicians, ceos of big or terrible companies. Its like they don’t know how to smile, at best they do the thing with the mouth but the eyes just look cold and predatory. Ron Desantis looks like he’s being involuntarily sodomized when he smiles in pictures, its like he can’t even fake it.

        Not that I think these people can’t feel joy or genuinely smile, I’m sure you could get more expression from them if you paid them to physically torture helpless poor people. But when they smile for us, its always dead in the eyes

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      It’s an hour long video where I couldn’t tell whether they were trolling or just not very bright

        • Bizzle
          42 months ago

          I believe the opposite of “bright” in this context would be “dull”

    • MeldrikOPM
      -212 months ago

      You are welcome to post in the community yourself 😉

  • @[email protected]
    362 months ago

    Could have proved it better.

    That being said, there is something extremely off about that man. His eyes have always given me the creeps.

    • Chozo
      302 months ago

      His eyes have always given me the creeps.

      It’s because when he smiles, he doesn’t use his eyes. If you look at a photo of him smiling, and cover up the bottom half of his face, he always looks completely neutral. Maybe he has nerve damage and part of his face is immobile, maybe he’s just faking the smile for the camera? Questions like that what pop into my mind when I see photos of him and are, for me at least, why I feel something off with his eyes, as well.

  • Orbituary
    362 months ago

    Anyone who thinks you can be a millionaire on YouTube without being a fucking sociopath is deluded.

  • @[email protected]
    112 months ago

    Isn’t he the one who’s working directly with Elon Musk now? Yeah I think the fraud stuff was implied.

  • s08nlql9
    62 months ago

    unless they have permission to repost it in peertube, its not good for stealing someone’s video

  • @[email protected]
    -62 months ago

    Look. I believe in what I call “rational evil” where you genuinely do good things (not fake it, as it will eventually come out like most fraud) to keep the public’s good will and plan for the future. Oil will die hard because they will not adapt and change. Even for future profit. Coal giants could use all of that money to diversify and dip into renewable energy as it is obviously the future but they (mostly) don’t. What Mr. Beast is doing is fine as long as it promotes the right things and does some legitimate good. I’ll never really care for what he’s up to but I’ll support him if he’s promoting the things that are important and not acting fraudulent in the actions that make him look like a good guy. #teamtrees or whatever. Keep it up.

  • @[email protected]
    -62 months ago

    Yeah I had that feeling. Kinda like how everyone thought Bill Gates was a good guy before the links to Epstein.

    • Jo Miran
      332 months ago

      Only people of a certain age who grew up after Bill left MS ever thought he was a good guy. Prior to that he was fairly universally hated. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has done good things but that’s kind of like outsourcing your human decency because you can’t figure it out yourself.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        Those people who thought that only did so because they did no research whatsoever and into his “charity” work. When you look closer at The Gates Foundation you start finding a lot of troublesome shit. I wouldn’t even classify it as a charity, it’s just a way to spread money around to their rich friends.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Kinda like how everyone thought Bill Gates was a good guy

      The only people that ever thought this were those who knew virtually nothing about him… he donated a lot of money to a lot of causes, but got it all through dodgy ethics and cutthroat, scummy business practices. It was pretty well-known that he had (a?) mistress(es?).

      And I use “he” lightly - his wife pushed hard for the philanthropy, and it’s not likely that he would have done so on his own.

    • @funkless_eck
      42 months ago

      the one he said was “healthier” but has more calories in it than the main brand chocolate bars?

    • Chozo
      122 months ago

      A member of Mr Beast’s team confirmed that he did, in fact, work for them. Although, he apparently only worked there for a short amount of time.

        • Chozo
          92 months ago

          And idk how he can be a scam in general, he doesn’t do anything that can be scam he sells merchandise, people buy that willingly.

          The video goes into some detailed allegations of actually illegal practices taking place with a lot of their contests and giveaways, such as obfuscating the “no purchase necessary” clause in their promo copies, making it unreasonably hard to enter the contest without making a purchase, “fixing” the contest so that some prizes go out to friends/family of the company instead of outside entrants, forging autographed merch, etc.

            • Chozo
              2 months ago

              He provides a lot of evidence, largely including video footage and screenshots of the exact things he’s alleging. In fact, just about every claim he makes in the video is backed up by a clip or a screenshot. Whether or not those prove the claims he’s making is one thing, but to say he’s not provided any coherent evidence wouldn’t really be accurate.

              Did you watch the video? I know it’s long and not the most entertaining thing in the world, but I’m getting the feeling that you’re running on assumptions here, because a lot of the blanks you have are filled in by the video.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    Dude could keep every cent but he doesn’t

    How many wells have you had dug for people without water, how many blind people have you paid to have their sight restored

    You guys love shitting on people

    • Chozo
      172 months ago

      I don’t think people are arguing that Mr Beast doesn’t do good for the world, as much as it is people arguing that the good doesn’t cancel the bad. If some generous gazillionaire decided to give every person on Earth $1000 a day for the rest of their lives, but also really loved clubbing seals, we’d probably question whether or not he’s still a good guy.

      If doing bad is what’s necessary to fund doing good, we have to ask ourselves if the ends justify the means. Does improving the lives of impoverished people justify defrauding privileged children to fund it, as opposed to hosting a charity drive? I’d say it’s a question worth discussing.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I think we can appreciate a person without this borderlineish splitting someone but… the social media is borderline. Everything is polarised to maximum.

        Even if you say something as innocent as you don’t like Star Wars sequels you will already be seen as racist most of the times on social media.

        We have became a mentally ill society with no room for nuance, only extreme polarisation. There’s no cure.

    • Nora
      102 months ago

      You’re missing the point completely.

      • @[email protected]
        162 months ago

        And that’s what these youtubers capitalize on.

        Charity has been a tool for the rich to fool the public of “good” since time immemorial.

        Now that you’ve got impressionable kids overtaking social media, what mostly ends up on the front-page is either lowest tier dumb shit or over the top fake shit. Rest are ads disguised as content.


        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Don’t ever go to trending unless you want to see slack jawed idiots or lose your brain cells 😂

    • @funkless_eck
      82 months ago

      yeah he generously gives away money and gifts… To his friends, family and employees (who knows if they actually get to keep it)

      Meanwhile to the general public he gives gift certificates that require a purchase to use.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      By their fruits shall you know them, right?

      No one is purely good, or purely evil. On the balance, he seems to do good things within the world, likely doing more harm than good.