• @[email protected]
      1711 months ago

      I hear carrying beer in public isn’t ok so it must be something more reasonable, like eggs, or handguns.

            • @[email protected]
              411 months ago

              I am sorry, but we are in disagreement on that.

              Unless you meant it sarcastically, in which case you need to inform me of what opinion I am supposed to hold here because I can’t connect your reply.

            • 👁️👄👁️
              111 months ago

              What you going to do with a gun while open carrying except make everyone extremely uncomfortable

              • @[email protected]
                011 months ago

                You know how on Reddit people would/will take the previous comment then change one word, then the next changes one more word, then another person might add or subtract a word. Just to have a little fun?

                Yeah that’s what’s going on here.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I live here, this place is a shit hole. If I wasnt in so much debt from school and medical, I’d save enough to scoot on out of this dumpster fire but NOOOO, our entire financial system is designed around making you loaded with debt so you can’t do anything but work and jerk off… I know man, I know. I shouldn’t have had a seizure in-between jobs so I didn’t have healthcare for 2 months. What the fuck was I thinking? Bye bye $20,000. Plus, the ambulance ride was $1800 to take me 20miles and I just didn’t pay it. My credit score was 805, guess what it is now with nothing but a single hit? Fuck this place. If you like it so much? It’s because you have Stochholm Syndrome or are too stupid to see how the rest of the 1st world lives. Oh and I can hear it now “but but but, what about how much better we are than all these smallers countries who are combined worth less than our yearly military budget!!! They are bad so we are real good! Huurrrr duuurrrrr.”

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            Firearms aren’t making our healthcare and college systems suck… that’s the gov and corps doing it.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              Ohhhh! Gosh Dawg It! You’re right! I didn’t even get to bring up the fact guns in the country are owned by a bunch of little dick energy bitches who need a gun to feel like a big manly man. I didn’t just grow up around guns, I’ve been shooting since I can remember. The first time I fired a Springfield 30/06 rifle was like 7 or 8. I even shot competition for years and got my 4H Expert… Didn’t get my Distinguished Expert because I just couldn’t shoot that good but dang it Im proud of that. My family is military and we live on farms. I’ve never been hunting because I don’t like killing stuff, but I’ve shot a lot and you know what a real veteran ran household with weapons is like? My first shotgun was a single barrel break 20gauge. Oneday while cleaning it, I had it completely disassembled and had nothing but the barrel. A literal hollow chunk of round metal with a BB glued to the end and pointed it at my brother. I think God himself heard me get my head ripped off, and good. You know why? GUNS ARE NOT A FUCKING TOY. They aren’t “cool” and aren’t something you show off without knowledge the 2 people interacting with that weapon are skilled and trained to handle it beyond safely. A weapon doesn’t make me feel powerful, it makes me feel dangerous and that’s because while I am brandishing that firearm and it is loaded, I am extremely powerful. I can literally play God to any living thing around me and nobody can stop me unless they can shoot first. And if your dick size bothers you so bad you need one to feel like a man, go fuck yourself. You know why? Ask a combat veteran what that little chunk of steel/lead/gun powder does to a living thing. It’s designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to kill. “BuT WhAt AbOuT fOr SpOrT!?1!” then treat that WEAPON as a sport item and keep it locked up tight till you get to the gun range. But you little dick energy dumbfucks walking around with your open carry .45s or your God fucking damn piece of shit Grady’s .223 AR slung over your shoulder at the Wal Mart are pieces of shit because you are every single thing wrong with gun culture. You kill with a gun, it’s not a car or “assault hammer” or whatever dumb bullshit the NRA jerks off too that has other uses and just happens to be a potential weapon. A gun does one thing, fires a rock real real fast. With large enough round like a 30/06 in an M1 Garand, it will tear that Amazkn Tacticool armor into nothing, and the men, women and fucking children behind it. Are there a lot of good and safe gun owners? Absolutely. But the gun community needs to realize the safe ones are the minority. You just fucking are. Treat guns the way the military does, isn’t that a good idea? Now go to a military base and tell me how many of those highly trained combat soldiers are walking around with a gun if not actively using it?

              “You” is not directed at anyone unless they feel personally attacked by this rant. Then it is 100% to them.

          • @[email protected]
            11 months ago

            Wanna switch places with me? I go in USA, and you can enjoy your time in russia. Good place, really. Firearms (like handguns) are unavailable to the public, education are free (especially if you fight Ukraine! wovie!) traditional values are uphold and… oh god I can’t keep it. Just, before calling your place a shit hole, consider how much many places are worse and instead of bitching, at least think about make your country better… before its too late. Before things gets so bad that you will get beaten and detained for holding a blank sheet of paper in public.

  • @[email protected]
    3111 months ago

    That’s why I always carry two guns, if I make my point and then you pull your counterpoint, I still can make another point.

    I feel dumber for typing that

  • @[email protected]
    1311 months ago

    One of my DnD members would come to my place open carrying. I asked him not to bring it with him in the future. He now Carrie’s a 12”+ knife with him to the table -.-

    • @Mouselemming
      11 months ago

      Maybe you should figure out a safe place for him to stash his weapon while in your home, so you can relax when emotions flare during the game, and he can feel safe on the street.

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        To add to this, I’d do a quick google search for free gun locks in your area. Some places give them away

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        It’s not that I’m really that nervous about it. I just don’t see the need or justification. We’re literally doing one of the lowest-stakes activities one can do. It’s like those assholes the open-carry assault rifles on public street just to exercise the right. I hardly think he’ll do anything with it, but why have it to begin with?

        • @Mouselemming
          311 months ago

          I was assuming he felt unsafe on the streets coming and leaving. I would worry about an accident where it falls or something. If he insists on wearing it in the room, it must be some kind of penis substitute for him.

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    Can’t do that with guns in my country, but I figured I could improvise. I went to the local leather goods store and asked them for a banana holster. They told me to get out. 😕

    • @[email protected]OP
      111 months ago

      You are welcome! Im happy to have a place to see and share shitty life ideas outside of reddit

  • GreenBottles
    111 months ago

    growing up around a lot of guns … open carry doesn’t concern me at all really

    • @[email protected]
      011 months ago

      Seems to me the only ones that are open carrying are tacticool cosplayers that haven’t spent anytime on the range and don’t know the first thing about gun safety. They are a danger to everyone around them.

      I say this as a gun owner that doesn’t find the need to carry an AR to pickup a burrito at Chipotle.

      • GreenBottles
        311 months ago

        That’s a common stereotype sure, hardly the realty of open carry

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          In my large city I’ve never seen anyone open carrying outside of some neck beard “protest.”