• bitwaba@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I wish I could remember the movie. Not because it was necessarily good, but just to solve this mystery.

    I have thoughts like that all the time! Just a month or two ago I had this memory of a movie where a kid gets his arm cut off by a train but couldn’t remember what it was. Everything online was saying Stand By Me, which seemed weird because I’ve never seen the movie in its entirety, just clips here or there, yet I vividly remembered seeing a lot of whatever the movie was both before and after that scenes (without actually remembering anything else about the movie itself…). So I downloaded Stand By Me and watched if all the way through because, well 1 it’s one of those movies everyone should see I just hadn’t gotten around to it, but 2 I needed to solve the mystery.

    Turns out that wasn’t it. No one loses an arm. It was actually Fried Green Tomatoes which I watched as well and holy shit that feeling when you finally see it - this thing you’ve been searching for - finally appears! Ah! Amazing! … oh yeah, kid lost his arm. Whatever. It was actually a throw away plot point in the movie too. But man, solving that riddle! Yeeeeeeesssssssss!

    Anyways, let me know if you find your movie. I feel like I’m invested in this mystery with you now!

    • AgentGrimstone@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I think this is an appropriate time to help promote the tipofmytongue community. I’m hoping it gets a lot more activity one day. I feel the same satisfaction helping people find what they’re looking for.