I’m applying for universities this fall, so I’ve started to do research for them. I don’t have any experience with this, and I don’t really know what I should be looking for. Right now I have found all the major universities that have Bachelors in the field that I want to go into (Mechatronics), and I have added a little bit of info on each as well as their requirements in an obsidian doc, but what other info would be worth looking into and adding to my document?

(Edited to include my field of interest)

  • Smuuthbrane
    7 months ago

    Reputation in industry. If they’re viewed as crap, your degree could actually hurt you in the job market.

    First year residence guarantee. Unless you’re commuting from home, see who guarantees first year residence. Depending on the city, housing could be hard to come by.

    Related: distance between housing and your lecture halls. If there’s multiple campuses, make sure your housing is near the one you’ll be at.

    Co-op. If applicable, you want this.