“What everyone is missing about climate change is that it’s not about saving the planet or about science: it’s about people. Earth will survive – it’ll be different, but it will carry on. Humans are the ones at risk.”

  • Szyler@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Humans can still be a cancer without killing them all. We can CURE cancer cells (maybe in the future). We can MANAGE cancer cells, stopping their destructive appetite for more and more energy (uncontrolled capitalism). Opting for killing the worst of them, but not all + the host. We can PREVENT spread of cancer to other cells (countries), stopping the opportunity of the cancer to live in the future. Eventually the cancer will die out a natural death.

    Cancerous might be a hyperbole of our built in greed though. Humankind is a pest on the planet though. We consume too much and adapt our surroundings to us, not us adapting to our surroundings.