Vice President Harris boasts a 13-point lead over former President Trump among women voters in a new poll, a notable edge with a major voting bloc that could be critical for her ticket in November.

An Economist/YouGov poll taken this week found 51 percent of women who are registered voters said they support Harris, while 38 percent backed her Republican rival. On the other hand, Trump, who has struggled with women voters, saw a 7-point lead among men.

  • @Varyk
    28 days ago

    I was going to say, 13 points ahead of a literal rapist who actively fights against women’s autonomy is not enough points ahead.

    maybe those are the early numbers.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿
      4828 days ago

      If you’re a human and you’re voting for Trump, you’re barely hanging on.


      A human.

      • @[email protected]
        1228 days ago

        I would probably say that if you’re voting for trump. You’re either a bigot, cultist, or the most gullible person in the world. Some sort of combination of all 3.

        • @[email protected]
          127 days ago

          I like to think that somewhere there’s an unironic accelerationist for Trump. Not enough to swing any state, but just like one or two.

  • @[email protected]
    4228 days ago

    No wonder the right still grumbles about how letting women vote was a mistake.

    Meanwhile, men - WTAF? Why would so many go for dementia donOLD?

    • @[email protected]
      28 days ago

      Watching “men” idolize Trump has to be the weakest thing I’ve ever seen. He isn’t strong, intelligent, gentile, or even remotely alpha in presentation or action.

      • @[email protected]
        828 days ago

        He is one of the most fragile cowards on the planet. He cannot handle even the slightest criticism. He’s lazy as fuck and constantly watching TV or golfing.

        And those are things that only come into focus ince you get past the parts where he is literally a rapist, insurrectionist, and con man. It is beyond comprehension that anyone considers him with any amount of respect whatsoever.

    • @kata1yst
      1528 days ago

      The answer, as always with extremism, comes back to indoctrination, disenfranchisement, and finally, radicalization.

      There have been tons of studies in this, but at a high level, men are indoctrinated by constantly being put under a lens of toxic masculinity by their peer groups and male role models.

      Then they become disenfranchised from “mainstream” ideals, not hard to do with the mental health crisis and wealth disparity we see in the world every day. Or the simpler method of being raised in a small community (a church or small town) where such progressive ideas are frowned upon and demonized.

      And finally, they search for meaning and inclusion in an ‘in group’. This is natural human behavior, and is preyed upon by a laundry list of bad actors who are all too happy to offer answers, meaning, and most of all, some nebulous group to blame and attack for your problems. This step in particular has become easier and easier for more extreme groups with the advent of the internet.

      It’s a vicious cycle. And that’s not to say the victims here are blameless, because of course they made their choices along the way, but they are indeed victims.

    • @[email protected]
      327 days ago

      It wasn’t all that long ago that the Republican Party invested substantially in cultivating women candidates in the party. Reagan and Bush Sr in particular made a big to-do about advancing women in their administrations and through the courts. Primarily the wives and daughters and family friends of their mega-donor friends, of course. But by god, Republicans weren’t afraid to put nepo hires into high office, regardless of gender!

  • @darkdemize
    3928 days ago

    Who knew denigrating women would make them not want to vote for you?

    • @[email protected]
      3928 days ago

      Clearly not enough women are willing to stand up for their rights, frankly. How the hell is it only a 14 point lead? I get that’s a big lead, but I’d expect an 80 point lead given what we know about Republicans/Trump and women’s bodily autonomy.

  • @[email protected]
    3727 days ago

    I don’t know how Trump is not at 0.00 percent with women. Just blows my mind that any woman would vote for Trump at this point.

    • @[email protected]
      326 days ago

      I’ve been a poll worker for several years now in the midwest… The number of times I hear women here asking their husband to remind them who they’re supposed to vote for is… disheartening.

  • flicker
    2728 days ago

    Lemme say, personally, as an older woman, Hillary absolutely didn’t capture me. I still remember when she blamed video games for society’s problems. I grew up being underwhelmed by her. I voted and all but my point is if I had to make myself do it, there were lots of women I knew who wouldn’t bother.

    Harris is sounding more and more like someone I’m excited to vote for. You can’t buy that. I am unsurprised she’s leading with women now.

    • @[email protected]
      1128 days ago

      As an older woman, those were my thoughts exactly. While I voted for Hillary, I didn’t feel confident about it. I’m very excited to be voting for Kamala Harris

  • @[email protected]
    2228 days ago

    I’m glad Trump hasn’t stepped down. A more conventional candidate would quite possibly beat Harris but his continuous blunders are paving the way towards the first female president of the US. It’s unfortunate that he’s been allowed one term but after he showed what he’s like, with him as the alternative a woman has a great fighting chance. I believe Kamala wins and will come across as competent, and we are going to see more women as state leaders worldwide.

      • @[email protected]
        1228 days ago

        AOC on deck.

        Please, please let me have the chance to vote for her before old age takes me. Please!

      • @[email protected]
        828 days ago

        That’s the point. Dissatisfaction drives change, change drives paradigm shifts. We need a young president again.

      • @[email protected]
        2328 days ago

        In 2016 Trump was an untested leader and Republicans had been spewing propaganda against Hillary for two decades.

        While nothing is certain, I’m cautiously optimistic that things will turn out differently this time.

        • themeatbridge
          728 days ago

          I’m hopeful, too, but I would rather Trump be in prison than be the Republican nominee, even if it means Harris faces a “tougher” opponent.

          • @[email protected]
            428 days ago

            That would be nice. I’d like to see the electoral college get unscrewed first though.

            The last two presidents who took office after losing the popular vote were unmitigated disasters.

            • themeatbridge
              228 days ago

              The best chance to unscrew the electoral college is the interstate national vote pact. It’s close, but there aren’t enough blue states left to pass it. So it’s unlikely, but more likely than a constitutional amendment.

        • @[email protected]
          528 days ago

          In 2016 Trump was an untested leader and Republicans had been spewing propaganda against Hillary for two decades.

          Not to mention 8 years of resentment from people who watched the '08 primaries, and she decided to top up the resentment in the '16 primaries.

          Harris isn’t going out of her way to piss off the left like Clinton did. And she has the sense to campaign in swing states.

          • @[email protected]
            28 days ago

            Same propaganda.

            Your resentment comes from a primary process and series of candidates that isn’t really any different from any primary that occurred in the last half century.

            Yet you are specifically wounded from that one?

            The divisive propaganda spewed in that election was also about Hillary controlling the DNC as much as she controlled a pedo ring.

            They wanted to sow division within as well and I hate to break it to you but it’s not like this story hinges on Hillary and her presence…

            • @[email protected]
              128 days ago

              Clinton’s cult is completely incapable of even thinking that she was capable of earning the loss she earned.

              • @[email protected]
                028 days ago

                You assign a “cult” why?

                Obama once said his campaign needed a billion dollars to win the presidency. No one thought twice in that statement.

                So she has a cult? Why?

                • @[email protected]
                  -428 days ago

                  You’re readin’ more into my comment than I said. Go back and try again after ditching your assumptions.

            • @[email protected]
              028 days ago

              I have heard stuff like this so often, and I feel like it’s as silly and callous to say now as it was 8 years ago. The part of the Democrat base that chose time and time again to keep denigrating “Bernie Bros” absolutely own the consequences of their behavior at the time.

              In a moment where part of the coalition has doubts, historic precedent isn’t relevant. What is relevant is the work to answer those doubts and that did not happen. Instead the infighting continued and the doubts were ignored. Smug headline after smug headline told potential Hillary voters to shut up and fall in line. But Democrats don’t really fall in line like that.

              It doesn’t really matter if other primaries went the same way, because other primaries have also produced failed coalitions. Some are examples of success, some failure. You learn from both. In 2016 we saw infighting and discord dissolve enthusiasm, a crucial part of what gets Democrats to the polls. It’s my feeling that ignoring that is a bad idea.

                • @[email protected]
                  328 days ago

                  If you’re implying that they were deliberately sown doubts, I very much agree. I’m not saying a bunch of folks didn’t get duped. I think it was very much to blame on agents provocateur.

                  What I’m saying is that the acrimony can’t be waved away, not then and not now. It has to be taken seriously even if it was the result of manipulation. Saying “nah you got suckered” gets exactly the kind of lukewarm response it deserves.

                • @[email protected]
                  -228 days ago

                  Whatever bogeyman you’ve decided to blame because you can’t take the idea that Clinton fucked up.

      • Coelacanth
        1128 days ago

        Harris is a better candidate than Hillary but I agree with you, her polls look great relative to how Biden was doing but objectively it’s still extremely close. Between that and all the cheating avenues the republicans have I still think odds are in favour of Trump becoming president again.

        The next cycle of polls will give a clue as to if the momentum shift keeps going. Trump has had a couple of disastrous weeks and seems to be spiralling a bit (and notably low-energy), but we all know his base is so secure that he probably won’t lose any voters over it. Also he will regain the RFK voters soon, which is bad news for Harris.

        • themeatbridge
          128 days ago

          I don’t even know if Harris is a better candidate, but I do think she’s better prepared to face Trump and I am enjoying the public implosion.

      • @[email protected]
        928 days ago

        Nikki Haley is in the best possible position for a Republican right now.

        If Harris wins and Trump’s trials go forward, making him a non-factor 4 years from now, she can run in 2028 on a platform of making a clean break from the Trump years, and give the Republicans a fresh image to run against an incumbent Harris.

        Yet she hasn’t really burned all of her MAGA bridges, and if Trump wins his 2nd term, she can definitely still also run in 2028, particularly if VP Vance turns out to be as much of a dud as we all think he will.

        And she’s only 52. She has been in the national spotlight since Trump made her UN Ambassador, and has proven herself competent enough to do that job without getting pulled directly into Trump World. As long as she continues to display the competence that the rest of the party lacks, she will be the Republican nominee eventually. If she misses in 2028, she will have at least 2 more election cycles of relevancy.

    • @[email protected]
      27 days ago

      More women as state leaders you say? So we might finally see female leaders in countries like India, Argentina, the UK, Pakistan, France, Turkey, Bangladesh, Ukraine or Germany if only the US would be the shining example to the world?! I’m sorry, but when it comes to social progress, the best the US can hope for is finally catching up. Any option to be exemplary was definitely gone by maybe the 1970s

      • @[email protected]
        027 days ago

        by maybe the 1970s

        Except by preceeding nearly all those countries in legalizing gay marriage, for one thing.

        • @[email protected]
          127 days ago

          Eh sure, though only number 20 in the world when it comes to national legislation. But when it comes to quality of life or even life expectancy, the US could do so much better given its wealth. Mostly I’m just trying to point out the automatic patriotism you see so often in Americans, even the progressive ones.

      • @[email protected]
        027 days ago

        I know but there are few female leaders, past and present, in public consciousness. Theresa May? Queen Elizabeth II? Angela Merkel? Ursula von der Leyen? The fifth president of Slovakia was a woman, for example, but she’s just one in six, and not many people will remember her a decade later. If Harris gets to be fondly remembered as a president, she will undoubtedly help alleviate the gender gap in elected positions.

  • Tiefling IRL
    2128 days ago

    Assuming a 50/50 split between men and women, that equates to +3.5 for Trump vs +6.5 for Harris ASSUMING EVERYONE VOTES


  • @[email protected]
    1727 days ago

    Ignore the polling and just vote. We haven’t won until we’ve won.

    The odds look fantastic but there’s always the chance a lot of people simply shrug it off and consider the election already over due to the odds looking to be so overwhelmingly in her favor. Don’t be like that. Go out and vote unless you want dementia donnie to slip back in.

    • @[email protected]
      527 days ago

      Current polling still puts DonOLD in the lead for the Electoral College. Odds are NOT fantastic, but are improving. Need to keep the pressure on for sure.

      • @[email protected]
        126 days ago

        Yeah I figured that was the case but I haven’t checked up on the EC in a while. We should probably win the popular vote easily but unfortunately our elections aren’t determined by that.

  • Optional
    -528 days ago

    13 points? Pffft. Hillary had a ninety-one point lead at this point.

    What, she did.
