Just about every common food option for thanksgiving is mediocre. Turkey is dry and flavorless unless you drench it in salt. Cranberry sauce is awful. Not only does dressing (stuffing) look unappealing it also tastes just as bad. And pumpkin pie could be better. Casserole and mash potatoes are alright but nothing to just fond over. The only good meal is mac and cheese and that ONLY depends on who’s cooking it. The 4th of July is the superior holiday in terms of food.

  • southsamurai
    6 months ago

    Man, this is a great post. Full on unpopular, no matter how you look at it. Kudos on that! Also, good on you for not making it a rant about other people’s preferences.

    Any way, that aside, I don’t disagree with you, though I think your points are off as to why Thanksgiving food is overrated.

    First, a lot of what you’re using as a basis for that is down to the specific foods being cooked well. Any of those things that are made from good ingredients and is tbhen well executed are phenomenal. Others have covered that already, and the bit about turkeys being horribly bred, and treated even worse while alive.

    So, moving on to why I tend to agree with you.

    Thanksgiving food is nostalgia. It isn’t about the food at all, it’s about having a tradition. This means that you have people making things that they don’t practice much in a time crunch, with the real effort going into making it a Thanksgiving meal, rather than a good meal they’re able to execute well.

    Turkey, as the perfect example. How often do you cook a whole turkey? Once, maybe twice a year for the vast majority. But it can take dozens of tries to get a dish right the first time. And it might take longer to be reliable with it, depending on the complexity of the dish.

    Of course Thanksgiving turkey is overrated, people aren’t happy with it because it’s great, it’s the tradition. So they ignore the fact that it’s actually a difficult thing to execute well, and that most turkey you can buy is crappy turkey because it isn’t important.

    About the only thing in your list that isn’t harder to get right than the average dish is mashed potatoes. Frankly, if you’ve only had mashed potatoes that are alright, in your words, chances are that whoever cooked the rest did a mid tier job on those too. Mashed potatoes are freaking bomb when done well, and they aren’t hard to do well.

    So I’m with you, Thanksgiving food is very overrated, but mainly because they’re difficult foods that aren’t practiced outside of the holidays. The foods themselves, done well, are amazing.