But they were all of them deceived. For another ledger was forged. And in it he cast all his treachery, his malice, and his personal expenses.
“And in his business expense reports, as prescribed by law, was the leasing of and proper payments for intellectual property and patent leasing, which went through the proper banks of Murkwood and other financial centers, unfortunately leaving 0 taxable income.”
But Lord Sauron has been 100 percent transparent, you can trust him.
Boromir would have gotten additional tax returns.
Approximately 18 Months Later…
Sauron and Saruman indicted for mass accounting fraud. Auditor, ORC CPA, PLLC named as accomplice.
Lord Sauron is appealing “This shortsighted decision from a corrupt partisan commission” and announces a countersuit alleging theft and demanding return of certain items of his personal property that were taken from his office under the new business anti espionage laws.
These include apparently a shirt of mail and some unnamed pieces of jewelry.
Lord Sauron surely knows best what is good for us. People who criticise him have no idea of the burden it must be to take decisions in order to enslave everyone, make people despair, rape entire villages, etc. If you had to do it for only a day, you would probably feel like butter stretched on toast.
– The mouth of Sauron