Share your story. What have you experienced on the net? What was your most thrilling adventure?

  • southsamurai
    6 months ago

    It isn’t quite NSFW technically, though it had its moments.

    But the most exciting thing that ever happened to me online was accidentally falling into marriage.

    We met gaming. I was heals, she was DPS. We wrecked shit together.

    We did play with others in our guild, and that’s where it started growing. Teamspeak was handy for coordination, so I got to hear her sarcastic and dry wit before I ever saw her face. She says my accent was a big draw, but that I only think I’m funny.

    We became fast friends. But, she was with someone, and she thought I had something going with another lady in our group. Wasn’t the case, but I’m a rather notorious flirt that didn’t always realize I was flirting. This lady flirted back, and it was fun.

    But, months passed and it became more and more about us doing our thing as a duo. We just vibed like that, in game and out. So we’d spend hours just talking and barely playing. Which, looking back on it, I think we were both hooked by that point. Don’t think we had any choice by then.

    She decides to end it with the guy she was with. This was not specifically to be with me, but she has said that talking to me made her see that he wasn’t what she thought he was, and that she didn’t want to put up with him.

    Anyway, from there, it kinda snowballed fast. By the second year of knowing each other, I had slipped and told her I loved her, without any thought or planning, or even being fully aware that’s what I was feeling. It snuck up on me. But when I said it, she said it right back with no hesitation. Then we both just shut up, and she asked what I meant.

    See, she had been on voice and video with me when my best friend would go to work, and I always told him I loved him before he went. So she wasn’t sure if I meant as a friend or more. And, she said a little later that she wasn’t sure which she meant when she responded.

    Turns out, we both meant the same thing, but hadn’t realized it had gotten there.

    But once we realized it, shit got real. See, we lived most of a thousand miles apart. Same country, but a long way apart. She has a kid. So this wasn’t something we could just jump into. We let it burn slow made sure there was something to pursue (which included the NSFW stuff), and then made plans to meet.

    And holy hell, what a meeting. She was nervous as hell, obviously, since she had taken a bus down to the Appalachians to meet some sasquatch looking dude in person. But she got on the car, and what became our song started playing as I pulled onto the road.

    There was some nervous joking, though neither of us remembers much of anything other than the music and what we were thinking and feeling. Speech was just a way to keep things under control.

    We get to my place. I show her the spare room. The plan was that she would stay in there until we were sure and ready.

    She never slept a night in there. Neither of us slept that night. It was the kind of thing you don’t believe is happening because it’s just too damn good. As soon as she sat her bags down, we hugged.

    The smell of her hair hit me, then her skin. I pulled back and we just started grinning and laughing and that was it. We kissed, and didn’t stop for hours. When we did stop, it wasn’t for a break. We were largely undressed by that point, and by the time we passed out, neither of us knew how long we’d been going.

    Bar none, the single best experience I had ever enjoyed at that point in my life. It was fucking magic. There’s limits to what I’ll say about it all because she isn’t awake to give permission. But the way our bodies responded to each other was something neither of us had had before. We just matched. Didn’t matter what position, what kind of thing, it was so natural, and fulfilling.

    I mean, it isn’t something common, where the first time with someone, you slide together and both of you realize that it feels perfect. The right depth, the right fit, the right feel, just everything feeling better than it ever has. And, yeah, I guess she could have lied all these years and it was only me that felt that way, but I believe her.

    I damn sure gave her everything I had. Every bit of attention, watching, listening, feeling to make sure she was comfortable, and we were moving at the kind of pace she wanted. Which I tend to do with anyone, but for her, I was just so in the moment it was a different level than I’d ever experienced. Magic. It was magic.

    A weekend visit turned into a week. By the end, it was just a matter of making the plans. She was going to move down south. There was some stuff to work out. An exit plan was made, in case things didn’t work. Despite having spent time with her kid online while we played, we had to make sure the kid was on board and okay with the idea. Not just her mom having a boyfriend, but moving, and everything that entails.

    Which, that worked out better than expected. The kid is our kid now. The adoption is long complete. Which was not a fun story the entire way. Biodad was not a good person, and took it out on everyone he could, including the kid. But that’s also long past, and the kid is doing well despite that.

    But we passed a decade married during covid. The anniversary wasn’t quite as nice as I had hoped to make it, but we still had fun.

    But, since this is an NSFW C/ I’ll end by saying that the sex has only gotten better. Familiarity breeds excellence.

  • atomic_teddy@lemmynsfw.comOP
    6 months ago

    To start first, I thing my most thrilling experience was actually not that nice. I was following a quite recent content creator, and I really liked her. I liked talking to her, and teasing her with donations (the cash to vibrate kind of). We both had a great time. Until I realised that I think about her constantly. That I check her page like 3 times a day. And how way too much money I spend. After that realisation I feelt really really bad. I deleted that account, so I can’t spend more money, cause I’m afraid to get back into old habbits, and spending more than I could, again. And yes, right now I feel bad for not saying goodbye, but I won’t go back.

    Long story short, have fun, but know your limit and stick to it. Take care

    1 month ago

    If talking NSFW, there was a thread asking about your weirdest wet dreams, and I basically had no idea why I had the wet dream I had (It was seemingly noy sexual).

    So this random user DM’s me and starts asking me questions about it, and I’m just answering the bare minimum while nervous and wondering what she wants.

    Last thing I said was deny that I’m a sub (I kind of know now that I sort of am), and that was it. She probably just wanted to find the reason why.

    It was not the “I’m getting off this” kind of excitement, it was the “shit’s happening” type, and I was totally unpreprared.

    But at least it felt liberating finally saying the forbidden things…