• @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      Regardless of the backlash about this message from the devs, the game is still fun, has tons of content, and if you’ve been following the story for years, a good and engaging story. (Alas, there’s no real good way to catch up on the story at this point if you haven’t been following it…)

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          That’s totally fair. As I said, there’s no real way to get into destiny now and understand what’s going on. No way for old players to return, or new players to come in and get caught up. By no means am I saying that’s a good thing.

        • ✖️ 🇨 ✖️ 🇨 🐝
          11 months ago

          Yeah I agree, I don’t get the halo magic from it either.

          Every time I try to get back into this game it ends in misery because I usually get stuck and can’t progress for whatever reason.

      • conciselyverbose
        11 months ago

        It’s less fun than it used to be and the content that’s actually designed well disappeared a bunch of expansions ago (after already having way less work put into them than D1 content) to force you into constantly buying expansions to have content to play.

        The gunplay is still great, but everything else was turned to absolute shit by the awful business model.

        • @[email protected]
          -611 months ago

          Well, yes. You do have to keep buying it yearly to actually get anything out of it. It’s not that different from buying fifa every year though.

          I also dispute that the disappeared content was the only good content. The new raids and dungeons are pretty darn fantastic. Ghosts of the Deep is a ton of fun, as is Root of Nightmares. The secret exotic quest in the deep dive was comparable to the whisper of the worm secret quest, and even if the exotic doesn’t quite compare, exotics have been adjusted before to be usable, so whatever.

          The rebalancing of the nightfalls has been amazing. Grandmasters are hard as balls and feel great to complete, and if that’s too hard for you, there’s multiple difficulties below that, and you’re bound to find one that stretches your skill at the game.

          Legend and master lost sectors are another great addition that d1 never had, not to mention just lost sectors in general.

          The crafting system is amazing and very welcome.

          • conciselyverbose
            11 months ago

            It is that different. Because they took the good content away and replaced it with dogshit they didn’t even sort of pretend to make an effort on. Fifa makes you buy new content. It doesn’t steal the content you bought with a nice “fuck you” for your trouble.

            • @[email protected]
              -211 months ago

              Again, the new content is not dogshit. I get that you don’t appreciate it, but it’s simply not dogshit. And more than a fair bit of what went away? That was dogshit. The black armory? The infinite forest, heck, the whole Osiris expansion? No, it was not good. I’ll miss mars and the warmind stuff, but you have to admit there wasn’t a lot to do there. Forsaken? You can still access. That’s fantastic stuff. Beyond Light? That was loads of fun, still good, still accessible. Witch Queen? Wonderful. Lightfall? Well, the main campaign fell a little flat, but again, contains a lot of great content besides the campaign.

              I understand being upset you can’t play the old stuff, like I can play old NES games… but it’s not a single player game. I can’t play Unreal Tournament 99 anymore either, and that sucks too, and there’s no real replacement for it either.

              Yeah, you’re not buying something you get to own. I get wanting to own it, and you don’t. Here, you are buying access to what is available. But what is available is still fun. And that’s why people still play it. Objectively, why more people are actively playing it than ever have before— granted that I don’t understand how they can comprehend the story, jumping in late like this.

              • conciselyverbose
                411 months ago

                Yes, it is. it’s not mediocre. It’s outright offensive that they’re asking people to play it.

                There isn’t a single enemy since D1 that’s close to comparable with the original 4 races in terms of game design. Ignoring that taking the content away should be unconditionally illegal while any aspect of the game is online, they replaced a 10/10 game with an 8/10 game on launch of D2 and a 5/10 game at a generous best now.

  • @5redie8
    1011 months ago

    Lol I don’t miss shitty live service games like this for a second