This comment was in response to someone expressing regret about joining .ml if I recall correctly

Edit: I’m convinced all this guy does is camp out in front of his computer and wait for an excuse to abuse what itty bitty power he has.

    7 months ago

    Yeah. Unfortunately. All we can do is voice opposition to whichever one is achieving its goals at any given moment - Hamas in the immediate aftermath of October 7th, and Israel now.

    The goal of hamas is and always has been to kill all jews, the goal of Israel is to exterminate hamas… So yeah we should stick to hamas because Israel has more military power!/s no we should be for the destruction of hamas and keep civilians in mind.

    Maybe someday they’ll sit the fuck down and figure out that this conflict can’t continue forever. Well, Hamas and Bibi never will, but whatever representatives of the Palestinian and Israeli people emerge from the other side of this phase of our everlasting Israel-Palestine conflict.

    Since the Palestinians believe in Inherited refuge status, wich is total BS and many aren’t even descendants of refugees, its not exactly possible to work with them, the hamas approval in Westbank and Gaza is very high, its not like the civilians dont have their part in that all, hamas terrorists don’t just spawn from thin air. And there have been times of peace, always broken by terrorists.