I myself am really on the fence about this.

I hate what Reddit has done, as I was removed as a moderator on my sub. But I much prefer the UI to Lemmy so far. I’m also having a hard time understanding how this all works. I was familiar with Reddit, and it is obviously a way more active community.

But I also used Apollo and hate how they’ve done him so dirty.

Will you guys return if Reddit rights it’s wrongs?

  • OverfedRaccoon 🦝
    321 year ago

    Spez is doubling down. He’s shown his hand. He’s lied. It’s like watching Anakin’s descent to the dark side. He’s too far gone.

    I don’t really think there is a going back. The watering hole is poisoned. There’s no more good faith. And, I think for a lot people, especially people here, it’s a matter of principle at this point.

    I might check in on certain niche subs that don’t move on to other platforms, but the days of gleefully doomsctolling are over.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      IMO the response was even worse than the initial change. That is what put it over for me.

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        The response killed Reddit for me. No way am I going back to a website run by such a nasty excuse for a person.

    • @timmytbt
      11 year ago

      Gleeful doomscrolling, love it 🤣

  • @[email protected]
    151 year ago

    Fuck spez. Even if they reversed their decision, they have made it very clear how much they will take control if they don’t get their way. They have repeatedly mistreated the mods, devs, and community. They slandered a man with lies that could end his career because of why? To gain social points?

    Spez has shown what reddit really is and I am done

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      My sentiments exactly. I wonder what it’s like for the reddit staff to work with such a gaslighting, condescending and deceitful boss.

      We owe the Apollo dev a lot for shining a bright light at the leadership of reddit and specifically /u/spez.

  • archomrade [he/him]
    141 year ago

    Definitely not. Even if I get luke-warm on lemmy, Huffman has shown a complete disregard to the community and has completely pivoted to building the business. As soon as they introduced New reddit and bought AlienBlue, the writing was already on the wall.

    I’m not sure if lemmy/the fediverse has the legs to keep the community going indefinitely (i was around when Voat was absorbing the last reddit exodus, i’m hoping lemmy has more legs than that), but I think i’m done with these for-profit social media sites. Youtube is the last one (for me) that hasn’t burned that bridge, but I’m not a contributor there anyway. For being a link-aggregation website though, I feel like federations are a perfect fit.

    I’m old enough now that I can see myself not using social media at all… Jesus how did I get so old. Time to go buy a Miata and some aviators.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      I’m not sure if lemmy/the fediverse has the legs to keep the community going indefinitely (i was around when Voat was absorbing the last reddit exodus, i’m hoping lemmy has more legs than that), but I think i’m done with these for-profit social media sites.

      What I’m hoping for, is that a portion of people that care and come to Lemmy stick with it, and those people that aren’t at all concerned with Reddits’s business dealings stick with Reddit. It gives each community a chance to develop it’s own voice, which is how it was before the major centralization of the web.

      I guess what I’m saying is, even if Lemmy doesn’t beat Reddit into the ground, Lemmy can still win in it’s own way.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I remember the Voat semi-exodus, but as I recall that was all the communities that got banned. Voat turned into a cesspool real quick

    • @weirdo_from_space
      1 year ago

      Mastodon managed to become a viable alternative to Twitter, and even PeerTube found some semblance of success. I am condifent Lemmy will be able to do the same. I hope PixelFed since the last time I’ve checked as well.

  • @24Vindustrialdildo
    121 year ago

    Nope. It’s far too US-centric, both in content and cultural norms enforced by censorship. What’s really great about the fediverse is to be able to find not just niche content about “the outside world” but communities literally run under different cultural norms.

  • SustainedChaos
    101 year ago

    Reddit is no longer is showing on my computer. Something about /etc/hosts. Can’t imagine how that happened.

    • Beto
      51 year ago

      I installed a Firefox extension that redirects any reddit.com link to my Lemmy instance.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I accidentally changed a setting on my phone that blocks Reddit everywhere. Not going to bother figuring out what I did or how to fix it.

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    I don’t plan on going back to Reddit in a major way. After giving Reddit up, I find myself thinking over my experience on that site for the last few years. Engaging commentary was harder and harder to find, particularly in any sub of sufficient size, and I spent a lot of my scrolling through Reddit angry. Leaving Reddit has been a wake up call for me. It’s a rat race on Reddit, and I don’t need that in my life anymore.

  • megane-kun
    91 year ago


    Way too much trust has been lost for me to even consider going back to that place.

    Even if they completely remove and ban Steve Huffman and his family, fiends or even acquaintances from any and all company and/or subcontracted positions, completely overhaul all their positions and replace them with trustworthy people (sucks to be them, but they know what they’re getting into), add all the requested features overnight including and especially the accessibility features… I still won’t consider going back to them.

    They will need to exert a huge amount good faith effort over a span of a decade to earn back my trust, if they’re at all capable of doing things in good faith.

  • @nectroxt
    91 year ago

    I think reddit model should be as a non profit org., something like wikipedia. No ads, no selling or trying to monetize user data, or being hostage to its investors whims. That would require a complete change of management. Only then I would think about going back.

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    Nope, I’ve already deleted all of my comments and posts on a 10+ year old account. They can go straight to hell. Fuck them.

  • Lvxferre
    91 year ago

    Hell no.

    My issues with Reddit boil down to three: the admins, the mods, and the users. (Note: this is coming from a former Reddit user and mod.) Even if the admins turn 180°, the other two issues remain.

    • Beto
      21 year ago

      Love this, it’s true and made me laugh out loud.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      The annoying this is that it didn’t need to go down like this!

      • If they had announced fairer pricing it wouldn’t be a problem
      • If they had announced more than 30 days notice it would have been less of a problem
      • If they had announced that you needed Reddit premium to use the API it would have made them more money and not be a problem!
      • If the AMA wasn’t a train wreck and they had at least given some concessions then it wouldn’t have been a problem.

      This entire thing was bungled from conception to announcement to execution, if they had worked with the third party app devs, if they had communicated clearly, if that hadn’t come off as money grabbing, personal data selling ass holes then none of this would have been a problem.

      As it is though, they can just get fucked.

    • Sparking
      21 year ago

      What did slashdot do wrong? I wasn’t up on the lore, I just thought they decided to be a bit more moderated, which even though I would want to participate in a place that is a little more open to broader content, I can respect the decision.

  • Unattributed
    1 year ago

    Most responses I’ve seen have centered on spez’s actions, but I have a bigger reason for saying no.

    Ever since the Conde Nasty days Reddit has gone in a direction that would be abhorrent to Aaron Schwarz. For this who aren’t aware, Aaron was one of the original designers and developers of Reddit.

    Anyway, I feel that reddit is now something of an insult to Aaron’s legacy. Spez has made it worse by pissing on his grave.

  • The Real Geno Smith
    81 year ago

    sadly… yes. I’m just not finding the community here that I built up there over 11 years. I know, I know, give this 11 years and we’ll get there, too… but it’s still over there.

    I did the whole “delete all comments and posts and replace with the API reasoning text” thing, for my main and my few alts. BUt I find I still am heading over there on browser through old.reddit and lurking.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      Same. I might stick around both for a while and see how it goes since I see big benefits and big drawbacks on both platforms. Same idea as why I use Plex instead of Jellyfin in that as much as I want to support open source projects, and am willing to pay a moderate amount to do that, the commercial platforms usually just have a better finish and feature set, as well as a simpler interface for people that don’t live in the tech world.

      That said, there’s maybe a dozen subreddits that I really care about, so if those communities came over I’d probably follow. Most of those aren’t populated by the kinds of tech enthusiasts that are looking for an open-source/distributed/etc. model, they’re people that just want to be able to talk about their niche hobbies or connect with others in their industry, regardless of what the back-end looks like. Honestly, I’d even be okay paying a reasonable amount to stick with Reddit(as it was last month, maybe not as it is today), it sounds like they just need to be more open to finding a solution that’s reasonable for the third party app developers instead of just laying down the hammer and them plugging their ears. Problem there though is I suspect the people that I like to engage with on Reddit aren’t the ones making a big impact on Reddit’s revenue. I suspect Reddit can go ahead and lose those high engagement users and still make bank on ad impressions from front-page lurkers, and that’s why they’re not looking to play ball.

  • Haily
    71 year ago

    Nope. Not a chance. I have no love for giant corporations, and Reddit has always been particularly shit even by that standard. Say what you want about the evils of Meta / Google / Apple, ETC ETC ETC, but at least they generally try to keep their users happy, or at least using their platforms. Reddit just seem to have absolutely no idea what their users want half the time, Reddit premium anyone? The way they handled, or rather failed to handle, the accessibility issue also leaves a rather bitter taste in my mouth.