I have a problem with staring, I like to observe people I find interesting but I always get very worried that they will notice I’m observing them and think it has a negative connotation. In reality im staring because I think their outfit is cool or because I noticed a behavioral tick I found interesting
I relate to you deeply, sharkfucker420.
The worst is when you notice someone has a really cool necklace and they make eye contact with you as you realize exactly what part of the body you appear to be looking at when observing someone’s necklace.
Oh, I feel this so much!
I try to choke out a simple compliment, when I’m caught at this. It’s awkward, but at least it’s honest.
I love to stare at prosthetics. Not because “I wonder how they lost their limb”, but rather “I wonder how that works”.
I always wonder if the part where it connects gets itchy
and then they look back at you and you can’t decide whether to look away, making it even more obvious, or keep staring, and making if weird
I just pretend I’m staring at something beside or behind that person or that I’m just zoned out. Not sure if it works, but no one has complained.