• PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    The proposal announced Monday comes as the number of annual pedestrian deaths is up more than 75% since reaching its lowest point in 2009.

    Huh i wonder if that have something to do with:

    How popular are they? Since 2010, their numbers have jumped nearly tenfold globally. Across the world, there are now an estimated 330 million SUV-type vehicles on the roads today, out of perhaps one-and-a-half-billion passenger cars in total – up from about 35 million in 2010.

  • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
    7 months ago

    It’s certainly worthwhile to try and make accidents more survivable, but around here we have a much different problem – entitled pricks who simply walk out into the road (often times in areas where they can’t even be seen until the last couple steps) and expect all drivers to immediately stop on a dime because “they have the right-of-way.” One such area I drive through to work is by a dog park. There are signs posted to advise drivers to slow down, but at least once a week I see someone walk out from the fenced area directly into the street without even looking (or they literally try to stare down the oncoming traffic while they’re walking in front of the vehicles). Funny how nobody has put up any signs at those crosswalks treating pedestrians like small children and reminding them that the law only requires vehicles to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk, and they should take personal responsibility and look both ways before crossing the street.

    In this case I keep hoping natural selection will resolve the problem, but there seems to be no end to idiots.

    • Scrungo@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      “What if we simply kill all pedestrians?”

      That’s you. That’s what you sound like.

      • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
        7 months ago

        Nah, not ALL the pedestrians. That’s not how natural selection works.

        Source: am pedestrian, have lived.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        7 months ago

        So you obviously couldn’t comprehend what I wrote and simply made up some nonsense to justify a snotty response? Well, good job. Next time try harder.

        • Scrungo@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Sorry. Was in a mood earlier and I was being an asshole. Here’s a real response that isn’t just anger.

          1.) This country shouldn’t be as car dependent as it is and should be a lot friendlier for pedestrians and cyclists (sidewalks, crosswalks, and bike lanes where they matter)

          2.) Vehicles (this applies more to trucks than anything) should be a lot damn smaller than they currently are to improve visibility. I am sick of seeing 10 ft. tall civilian trucks that take up the entire lane that you cannot see past and obscure the drivers vision.

          3.) Lifted vehicles and noncommercial vehicles with giant wheels need to be outlawed. Not only do you look like a chud, you’re endangering others by obscuring visibility (also applies to section 2).

          4.) Put your damn phones down while driving. Holy shit.

          I realize this isn’t going to end accidents and won’t be easy to achieve as long as our representatives keep letting corporations funnel money into their pockets, but something absolutely needs to change. I should be able to walk or bike to the damn store without having to look over my shoulder and be on edge because I might get taken out by a dick in a Dodge Ram who’s wolfing down a burger, texting/watching YouTube, and has a massive blindspot in front of him.

          • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
            7 months ago

            I visited London in 2000 and was amazed how well the Tube worked there. At the time I could buy a 1-week pass for around $10US and get everywhere in the city. That’s great if you’re not going anywhere, but the US is a lot more spread out and many of us don’t have a choice about getting jobs in other cities, so it does change the dynamic quite a bit. The other problem is that our transit systems are just not efficient. I can get most places on a bus, but it takes twice as long. I already only have a few hours between the time I get home and when I go to bed, so it feels like quite a sacrifice to give up yet another 90+ minutes of what free time I have. If I worked in the same city and it only took 10-15 minutes to get anywhere via mass transit then yeah, I would have a very different outlook on things.

            So yeah, #1 I’m in agreement with to some degree, with caveats for particular situations. For the people where mass transit is suitable, what we have is a disaster through poor planning, poor execution, and outright corruption, and it could be immensely better.

            #2… Well maybe. I drove a car for 25 years but now drive an SUV because quite frankly I work on a lot of projects and am constantly grabbing wood or metal supplies. Wednesday I’ll be making a couple trips to get some hand-me-down computers for my department which are actually a nice upgrade for what I’ll be replacing. Meanwhile I’m also building a new utility trailer this Summer (and again has required picking up a lot of materials) to make it easier to haul those things that don’t fit in the SUV. No this doesn’t apply for most people, but some of us do actually use these vehicles for their intended purpose. I didn’t just go buy the largest obnoxious thing I could find, I picked one that fits in the garage but carries the majority of what I need.

            #3… god yes! If you want that sort of off-road vehicle then keep it off road! Otherwise if you want to prove how small your dick is, steroids are cheaper.

            #4… I work in a college town, I see kids at every light holding up traffic. Or weaving through traffic on the highway because causing an accident is worth getting one more car ahead.

            I see a lot of people who ride bikes or walk around town, and there has been some efforts to add or improve the bike lanes. There have also been some spectacular failures at this, like taking one of the more major streets in town, cutting it down to a single lane so the other lane can be used for bikes with no separation but painted lines, and then gasping in amazement when the number of accidents increases. They did learn though, and now they’re moving bike lanes to raised paths so there’s some hope. We have a long ways to go to make infrastructure more friendly to other modes of transportation, but it would also help if employers started accepting the fact that a large number of jobs can be work-from-home so they would quit forcing everyone to drive without reason. Maybe some day we’ll get there.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        7 months ago

        For the number of times I’ve almost been run over by bicyclists who can’t be bothered to stop or even slow down for red lights when peds have the walk signal – yeah I don’t think so. There are definitely times when drivers are at fault because they’re too busy playing on their cell phones or some other distraction, and those people need to be spending more time in jail. But there are also times when pedestrians are at fault. In many cases there is a serious lack of personal responsibility, people who expect everyone else to get out of their way rather than just using their brain. Those are the people I have no sympathy for. But whatever, if you think you can stop a moving car in 20 feet when someone walks out from behind a fence, more power to you.

        • ElcaineVolta@kbin.melroy.org
          7 months ago

          people who expect everyone else to get out of their way rather than just using their brain.

          sounds like you might be describing yourself here

          • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
            7 months ago

            You do realize that you’re making the false equivalency of a crowd of people walking across the street during a red light and active walk signal to someone blindly walking out in traffic? Are you also going to argue that people walking on a sidewalk in the middle of the block weren’t using their brains when a car drives into them?

    • Arlaerion@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      that the law only requires vehicles to stop for pedestrians already in the crosswalk

      Where I live it’s different. If someone wants to cross at a crosswalk, they have the right of way. If a child want’s to cross anywhere, they have the right of way. Not on freeway (Autobahn) or highway (Schnellstraße) of course.

      Also there is the Vertrauensgrundsatz (trust principle?). If yo cannot trust someone to know the laws or follow the law (children, visibly under influence, …) treat them as such. Keep distance and keep slow, give right of way if necessary.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        7 months ago

        Obviously cars shouldn’t be going around hitting pedestrians, and we stop when we’re able. My problem is more with the lack of common sense. This dog park I mentioned is out in the country, people are driving their cars to bring their pets here so they obviously have some idea of the time it takes for a car to stop. So why are they walking out from behind a fence and stepping directly into oncoming traffic without at least waiting for vehicle to see them and stop? Yes most people DO take this moment and are able to cross safely, but then you have someone who has no regard for their own safety and acts like they’re invincible.

      • Shdwdrgn@mander.xyz
        7 months ago

        Well here’s the conundrum… I could start a youtube channel showing stupid people, but what happens if it gets so popular that I no longer need to work? Then I won’t be able to get any new footage, my viewership would drop rapidly, and I’d have to get another job. It’s a vicious cycle!

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      7 months ago

      Remind them that the use the same beds for people injured when they have the right of way as when they don’t, and that while their feet are on black stuff they are in danger.

      Gen-x was a long time ago, so it’s been a long time since parents - and teachers; remember? - taught kids about not jumping out into traffic. In the latter case, they had traumatic injury clips!