A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

  • 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • So creating stronger border security to stop drug trafficking is a bad thing? There are still ways for people to cross legally, and what you quoted acknowledges the need to fix immigration policy for allowing citizenship. Whataboutism is when you are comparing two identical issues. What you are doing is ignoring the extreme approach of one party and trying to make it sound like the other party is doing the same thing… In the US, Trump wants to deport or straight up kill immigrants, Harris is acknowledging that we need to stop the drug traffic while helping supporting immigration. In Palestine … yeah Biden is sending bombs and he’s an ass for that but Harris has at least stated that things need to change. Meanwhile Trump’s only statement on the matter is that they need to bomb the Gaza strip and make the problem go away. Do you really thing allowing Trump to get into office will help anyone except rich white people? Stein might have a different approach but under our current voting system there is no possible way she will get elected, so your only honest choice in the matter is voting for someone who has a stated policy of death, or someone who has at least admitted that we can do better.