Four more large Internet service providers told the US Supreme Court this week that ISPs shouldn’t be forced to aggressively police copyright infringement on broadband networks.

While the ISPs worry about financial liability from lawsuits filed by major record labels and other copyright holders, they also argue that mass terminations of Internet users accused of piracy “would harm innocent people by depriving households, schools, hospitals, and businesses of Internet access.” The legal question presented by the case “is exceptionally important to the future of the Internet,” they wrote in a brief filed with the Supreme Court on Monday.

  • @[email protected]
    433 hours ago

    Why don’t they start with OpenAI and other LLM vendors, because they are the biggest copyright infringement abusers of all time?

  • partial_accumen
    21712 hours ago

    I like the end result that ISPs are pushing back on this, but don’t mistake this for altruism on their part.

    Their businesses make money selling internet service. Were they to support cutting off those accused of piracy, they would be losing paying customers. Further, the business processes and support needed for this to function would be massively expensive and complicated. They’d have to hired teams of people and write whole new software applications for maintaining databases of banned users, customer service staff to address and resolve disputes, and so much more.

    Lastly, as soon as all of that process would be in place to ban users for piracy accusations, then the next requests would come in for ban criteria in a classic slippery slope:

    • pornography
    • discussions of drugs
    • discussions of politics the party in power doesn’t like
    • speaking out against the state
    • communication about assembling
    • discussion on how to emigrate

    All the machinery would be in place once the very first ban is approved.

    • circuitfarmer
      21 hour ago

      I agree with all this, but I think it is all to say: ISPs support Net Neutrality when it behooves them.

    • @418_im_a_teapot
      458 hours ago

      Plus, you aren’t disconnecting a person, but a whole family or business.

      And since many areas in the US only have one provider, you force that family to cancel all streaming services they might have. It’s a lose-lose-lose situation.

      • @[email protected]
        75 hours ago

        Not if they get their universal digital ID system in place. It is the wet dream of tyrants of all kinds.

    • @[email protected]
      3410 hours ago

      I think it is also the user they disconnect for piracy tend to pay more. They tend to be more premium customers also why should they enforce what happens on their lines. It is an illegal search and seizure. Let the government get a warrant prove something is illegal then the ISP can disconnect them.

  • @[email protected]
    11112 hours ago

    Sony can’t have your electricity cut off if you pirate. Because electricity is a utility.

    ISPs want it both ways. They want the legal protections of a utility without the obligations.

    The solution is to give them the legal protection they want by declaring them a utility.

    • robotica
      42 hours ago

      I wonder if would you get your electricity cut off if you plugged in a 750kW industrial oil drill in your backyard

      • @[email protected]
        155 minutes ago

        The 200A main breaker on most homes would trip a little above 50kW. Could you even start up 1000hp without 3 phase?

    • Snot Flickerman
      12 hours ago

      Those moments when you can’t decide if someone’s username means they’re a science nerd or a Venture Bros. fan.


  • @[email protected]
    8712 hours ago

    Not everyday i agree with ISPs but here we are. Guilty of and accused of are two very different things. Innocent until proven guilty.

    • @[email protected]
      2111 hours ago

      Hell, I don’t even want to ban users guilty of piracy. Oh no! Sony and it’s BILLIONS of dollars will surely be affected by pirating their dvd of a movie! Heavens to betsy!

      • sunzu2
        33 hours ago

        You joke but that’s how Sony feels when you buy a used DVD… They just can’t admit it publicly

        • @[email protected]
          53 hours ago

          They must HATE me…There’s a thrift shop just up the street from me. I bought Deadpool on DVD/Bluray combo pack. Still sealed new from factory, for $2.50.

          I buy lots of DVDs there. My sisters say my collection is rediculous. She means it in a bad way, like I need to get rid of some stuff. But hell, when it’s $2.50, why NOT buy like 20 movies in an afternoon? And why NOT do that same thing several times a year? Although I will admit I’m running out of room…help! My apartment is filled with DVDs, and I can’t see the walls anymore!

          • @[email protected]
            13 hours ago

            I aspire to be like you! I finally am going to have a DVD player and I am absolutely THRILLED. No joke. It’s going to be fantastic.

            Not as fantastic as an old VCR since it’s like 2% harder to fast forward through the ads. But pretty close!

    • @[email protected]
      1112 hours ago

      Not for potato supreme. I’m sure labels and sony bought vacations for those sub human coup supporting shits

      • @[email protected]
        1310 hours ago

        Never dehumanize fascists or fascist-sympathizers (redundant but ok), it’s always important to remember that bad faith actors or their stooges are human and cannot be entirely eliminated from society, which is why people that fight for positive change have to set the rules such that bad faith actors’ actions are either quickly recognized and mitigated, or have society structured such that even those motivated solely by unempathetic selfishness can only achieve status by masking and contributing positively anyway.

  • @[email protected]
    1911 hours ago

    So Sony wants to punish ISPs for continuing to “allow” illegal things to happen? Hmm remind me again which company it is that has had so many data breaches that users have come to just expect it? Sounds to me like if they are allowed to pursue attacking internet providers then they themselves should start seeing lawsuits for continuing damages until such time as Sony is able to successfully recover all stolen personal data and other parties can no longer use it for profit.

  • Juice
    1011 hours ago

    It still makes me feel some type of way that Sony (a Japanese company) gets so much sway over US business and policies. It’s something I thought about a lot when Microsoft was trying to close its deal with Activision. I don’t care much either way about multi-billion dollar conglomerates (or trillions in Microsoft’s case) butting heads but it did strike me as odd that a foreign company had that much of a hold on the deal. I get that piracy of media is frowned upon but like the ISP’s are arguing here, the affects of cutting off access to their clientele would have a lot of negative impact. I once again sit here wondering why a foreign company should have that kind of power over American citizens… you know?

  • @[email protected]
    511 hours ago

    Looks like an old-politician idea to me; a generation late. Nowadays, cutting internet is as bad as cutting electricity.

    • @[email protected]
      57 hours ago

      Not really unusual. They don’t care if you pirate stuff, they just want you to pay for internet access. They only sent notices and such to keep the rights holders happy.

    • @[email protected]
      3012 hours ago

      They’re ensuring their money keeps flowing. This isn’t about altruism - it’s just their Greed incidentally benefits us.

      ISPs are trying to mitigate exposure to lawsuits, prevent costly tracking and tracing responsibilities, and make sure customers can keep paying instead of losing their internet privileges (and their internet bills!)

      That peasants like us find this favorable is an unintended bonus.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        28 hours ago

        Exactly. ISPs want to do as little work as possible and collect as much as possible. If they have to monitor for torrents, track which customers they’ve warned, etc, that’s extra cost that, ultimately, could take away paying customers. So there are no benefits for them unless the piracy is causing problems for other users (i.e. could result in more customers cancelling service).

  • shoulderoforion
    212 hours ago

    it’s a nice argument from the users point of view, but it won’t be allowed

    copyright holders will need to be thrown a bone, and given some level of enforcement, else, copyright law is meaningless

    celebrate all you want, this won’t pass muster

    ~ signed, a jolly roger

    • sunzu2
      13 hours ago

      copyright holders will need to be thrown a bone,

      Is there a law to support this position?

      If so, where is limit? Deep packet inspection of VPN traffic? At whose expense?