Id tell them about the Great Switch but they can’t read.

  • @[email protected]
    1316 days ago

    Fuck, you’re right. It was the Republicans that were all fighting for Emancipation, and equality and human dignity for all men of every race and creed all the way back to the era of Abraham Lincoln… huh… So… How we feeling about Confederate monuments and flags, modern GOP? Black lives and incarceration rates? Civil rights for all? Religious tolerance? Immigration? Yeaaa… thought so. Shut the fuck up, you dumb motherfuckers.

        • @Mnemnosyne
          145 days ago

          There is a place for actual conservatives, people who want to change things slowly and make sure we aren’t breaking shit with our changes.

          But what calls themselves conservatives these days would be more accurately referred to as reactionaries, who want to reverse many changes that have been made and go back to some old time they preferred.

          I am not sure if the relabeling of reactionaries into conservatives was always a global phenomenon, I think in many countries, at least until recently, conservatives were really just conservative and not reactionary. But I can’t say for sure.

          • @[email protected]
            165 days ago

            If you want to find out if someone is a conservative or a reactionary, ask about environment. Someone who’s into conserving things will want to conserve nature as well

          • @[email protected]
            15 days ago

            The only conservatives which I give some healthy degree of respect are the European and maybe Japanese conservatives. I can’t comment on conservatives from other places as I don’t know much about them, but the American conservatives are bat shit insane. There are far and few sane American conservatives are drowned by loud crazy ones.

  • Grayox
    685 days ago

    For those out of the loop, the parties largely switched when LBJ a Democrat signed the Civil Rights Act into law. All of the Jim Crow south, which had been run by the Democrats that caused the Civil War, Switched to the Republican Party, because of their racist beliefs.

    • @[email protected]
      235 days ago

      I somehow keep getting bamboozled into learning about US history or politics while I sit on the toilet and I don’t know how to feel about it.

    • VindictiveJudge
      95 days ago

      Not only that, the Republican Party specifically tried to win the racist vote with the Southern Strategy rather than just let them go unrepresented and die out as a political bloc.

    • @[email protected]
      15 days ago

      This is one of those things that will elicit foaming of the mouth from tankies but I’ve never quite figured out why. I suspect it may be that they have their own special meaning with the words liberal and conservative.

      • Grayox
        25 days ago

        No it wont lol, I’m a tankie and I wrote it. The word Liberal and Conservative do not have a special meaning to tankies, they just realize that Democrats and Republicans are both Neoliberal at heart and exist to protect the horde’s of wealth accumulated by the owning class. The Democrats are just less sociopathic about it.

  • @[email protected]
    725 days ago

    And yet all the confederate flags seem to be at Republican rallies instead of Democrat rallies these days. 🤔

  • @[email protected]
    5 days ago

    1: He’s Canadian.

    2: Wonder why he didn’t list the Civil Rights Act. Or anything after 1870.

    3: Pretty sure these numbers are fake.

    • @[email protected]
      5 days ago

      The numbers are close-ish to correct if you are looking only at House/Senate voting. They still needed to be ratified by 3/4ths of states and these numbers clearly ignore what the voting results in each state was. They also did not have 100% Republican support, but close. Democrat support of 0% for the 14th and 15th amendments appears to be accurate.

      Also worth mentioning that all 3 of those amendments passed in just 6 years. It’s a very specific moment in history.

  • @[email protected]
    345 days ago

    Yeah if we had another Teddy Roosevelt then I’d be a Republican. How does a political party go from trust busting, and environmental conservation to the oil funded corporate shit show it is now?

    • @[email protected]
      135 days ago

      If nixon Wouldn’t have don’e Watergate or the racist shit or privatization of health care he could have been remembered as a great president.

    • @[email protected]
      65 days ago

      I know you got the “they’re” wrong, but oddly your sentence half works. Although it suggests that they have been wrongly accused of suggesting “the switch” exists

      Grammar is more and more important in a typed world

      • @[email protected]
        35 days ago

        If you understand me, it’s good enough. I prefer to be able to communicate in the 4 (nearly 5) languages I currently can, than to perfect a single one.