I won’t trust the AI Mozilla uses until they show us the source data. Not the source code that consumes a massive binary blob; the stuff that generated the binary blob they are using.
Not far enough. I won’t trust it until I can build it myself and self-host it. Then if they provide reproducible builds and hashes of the currently running build, I can decide whether it’s better to use their hosted version or my own.
“AI you can trust” …
I won’t trust the AI Mozilla uses until they show us the source data. Not the source code that consumes a massive binary blob; the stuff that generated the binary blob they are using.
Not far enough. I won’t trust it until I can build it myself and self-host it. Then if they provide reproducible builds and hashes of the currently running build, I can decide whether it’s better to use their hosted version or my own.
But but but … they said…